*A the code of the first.
*AD is also a code, where A is first and D gives the direction of A, but there is no multiplication.
It's mahkull/male >ma ski /ski m, ska m/ does not have *M .
*AM, M is the code that indicates the multiplication of A, where A is the first.
'*AD> turns into *AT in Albanian
*AM remains AM in Albanian .
The two components of human reproduction, but the mother carries the reproduction, the codex M. The Father gives the direction, first step, does the beginning, iits departure, but does not make the physical multiplication as a human unit.
Female>be me-r. Be m. Ben M-ne./make M
The Bible is built on the basis of this:
AD>AT> ATI/father in Albanian
AM >AM> AMA/mother in Albanian.
The two components of human reproduction, but the mother carries the physical reproduction as a human entity.
The father starts the process, its beginning.
The M codex is in *molto, *multi, *m(ë) in Albanian, *more, *many, *much in English, *mehr in German, etc.
They all have *m in common, not by chance.
Albanian reveals the secret of the code by saying only *m(ë), just one letter, which openly shows us the plural code.
This article deals with the etymology of words and units of the alphabet:
- letter a, letter m, at, am, female, male, me, molto, multi, more, many, much, mehr/
Proof that I'm not wrong.
In the Sumerian language there is a sentence:
ama dumu-dumu-ne nin-a-ne₂
*dumu-dumu-ne / children
Translated: Mother of all children, his lady.
*ama/mother is the same as in Albanian *ama which has the same meaning mother.
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