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The etymology of the latin word polire.

POLIRE  The Latin "polire" and the Albanian language, tracing it back to the root meaning "Make it free" (Bo lire). There is also a connection between "polire" and "lame" (washed) suggesting a possible relationship between cleansing and polishing. The linguistic evolution, the history of human language and thought, and etymology are very complex.  The exploring of the connections between Latin, Albanian, and other languages  contribute to a deeper comprehension of language and its role in shaping human culture and understanding. Latin "polire" means "to polish." Watkins to be from PIE root *pel- (5) "to thrust, strike, drive," Watkins goes close to the root of the thought, but he can't find the origin of the word. "to thrust, strike, drive," have a logical connection with freedom, especially drive, but are far from the form "polire" of the latin word. There are many other assumptions about the

"κυβερνάω" (kybernao) meaning "to direct" or "to govern" can be traced back to the Albanian language.

"κυβερνάω" (kybernao) meaning "to direct" or "to govern" can be traced back to the Albanian language. The breakdown of "krye-ban-Na" into its constituent parts: 1. "krye" (head, leader) 2. "ban" (do) 3. "na" (us) Results in the phrase "Krye ban na", which indeed means "he leads the way" or "he directs us" in Albanian. This etymology suggests that the concept of governance or direction has its roots in the idea of leadership and guidance. The attribution of this word to a Mediterranean, possibly pre-Greek substrate by Beekes, and its connection to the nominative verb "κύρβεις" (kúrbeis, "rollable wooden cylinder") by Neumann, highlights the complex and layered history of languages. The fact that Albanian has preserved this primordial word intact, while it has evolved into "governess" in modern English, speaks to the language's unique position in the Indo-

The true origin of the words from the Albanian language.

To be more clear: What happened to the words of the Albanian language, Latin, ancient Greek" and Ottoman Turkish? Many linguists talked too much about borrowings of Albanian from these languages, but the science of linguistics is interested in the truth and not at all in the ideology and nationalism invested in linguistics. To find the first origin of words in their concepts, we must analyze a group of words from these languages which are: Albanian language words: 1) "i" and "ni" the word for the number one in Geg Albanian language, the mother of the Albanian language. "Një" (one) in the standard where an "ë" has been added from the Tosk dialect, but which originates from a "ni" of Geg Albanian language nii>nji>nje>një. 2) "i ri "(new) 3) "nis" (start, beginning) 4) "i ri" (young) 5) "njishi" Geg Albanian (the one) 6) "fillim" (beginning) 7) "femijë" (child) of st

Folja kam e serbishtes "имати" (imati)

Fjala e ditës. Folja kam e serbishtes "имати" (imati) e ka origjinën nga përemri "im" i gjuhës shqipe.  Nuk është gjë tjetër veçse një formë e "të miat" e  gjuhës shqipe. Format kallëzore, dhanore tim, gjinore (i) tim, emërore, kallëzore shumës e mi, gjinore shumës (i) të mi, shumës në dhanore të mi tregojnë pa u lodh shumë etimologjinë e foljes kam të serbishtes. Jo për një gjuhëtar, por për këdo është bindëse lidhja midis foljes serbe "imati" (të kesh) dhe përemrit shqip "im" dhe shprehjes "të miat". Zbatimi i regullit themelor të etimologjisë ngjashmëria në formë dhe kuptimit midis dy fjalëvë është zbatimi ideal i etimologjisë në këtë rast, e cila  nga ana tjetër mbështet teorinë time se gjuhët e sllavëve të jugut kanë huazuar mijëra fjalë nga gjuha shqipe dhe  ndikimit të madh të gjuhës shqipe në gjuhët e sllavëve të jugut. Folja kam është një nga foljet thelbësore të çdo gjuhe. Kuptimi thelbësor i "të miat" (i i

Conscious-Consciousness etymology_part2.

"Con" e latinishtes dhe "kam" e shqipes. Cila është natyra themelore e foljes "kam/kon" dhe kuptimin i saj fillestar! Thelbi i "kam" qëndron në shprehjen e një marrëdhënieje midis subjektit (ju) dhe një objekti ose koncepti. Kjo marrëdhënie përfshin aspekte të ndryshme, si: Posedim (diçka të përket ty) Shoqërim (diçka që është e lidhur me ju) Përfshirja (diçka që është pjesë e juaja ose e identitetit tuaj) Lidhja (diçka që është e lidhur me emrin ose ekzistencën tuaj) Nga ana gjuhësore, folja "kam" është një koncept kompleks dhe i lashtë, me rrënjët e saj në proto-indo-evropiane (PIE). Rrënja e PIE është "*keh2-", habitërisht me vetën e dytë të foljes kam të gjuhës shqipe, U kam, ti ke.., e cila sipas gjuhëtarëve mbante një ndjenjë të "mbajtjes" ose "kapjes", e cila u zhvillua në forma dhe kuptime të ndryshme nëpër gjuhë. Mendoj që kuptimi primordial i "kam" është i lidhur ngushtë me idenë e lidhj

Conscious-Consciousness etymology.

Conscious-Consciousness in its simplest form refers to the sense of inner knowledge already gained about everything you have seen before. Explanations of the origin of this word is thought to be of first Latin origin. Is this a scientific fact? I think not. The external side as well as the idolization of the etymology says that it comes from Latin, but Plato asks what words came before this word, which father and mother of this word brought this concept to the mouths of the Latins? Is seeing part of our inner knowing? Is sensation part of our internal knowledge? Consciousness is also what you have seen before, what you see but also what you have seen before, what you feel when you see, known, known before and as a result it has been acquired within you. The Geg Albanian language gives us the origin of the first thought particle of consciousness, with nih (feel), with feel it exists within us, but is consciousness only sensation? Albanian defines the meaning of the word very precisely a

ARBANITE language and GREEK language.

ARBANITE language and GREEK language. By George Michas It is remarkable how the "unwritten" Arvanite Albanian language preserves the "same words" as those of the Old Greek writing, words which today's Greek language does not preserve! Also, the "unwritten" Arvanite language interprets many words of ancient Greek, which cannot be interpreted with modern Greek or even with ancient Greek! Therefore, those who speak disparagingly of the Arvanites when there is a clear and understandable connection between the Arvanite language and ancient Greek, can tell us where the "illiterate" Arvanites found all these ancient words and how these words can be interpreted only through the Arvanite Albanian language, when the Greek language cannot explain their meaning? Did the "illiterate" Arvanites read ancient texts that the Romans could not? Therefore, when some speak disparagingly of the Arvanites, it would be good to wash their mouths before they

The etymology of the Albanian word "Vërvit" (throw) and its potential connection to the Ahmaric language.

The word of the Albanianlanguage "Vërvit" (throw). The etymology of the Albanian word "Vërvit" (throw) and its potential connection to the Ahmaric language. The linguist Vladimir Orel says that it is borrowed from Slavic.  Orel writes: vérvit aor. vérvita 'to hurl, to fling'. Borrowed from Slav *vervéti: Bulg угъ'а, SCr vrvjeti, vrvijeti (MEYER Wb. 471). 0 CABEJ St. VII 243; SVANE 249. Orel also cited Çabej for this etymology. "Vërvit" in Albanian means throw something away; throw it away. The first problem with the etymology of this  word is the Old Greek βάλλω (bállō, "throw"). There are just so.r acceptable phonetic exchanges like: VËR= VER=Ë>E VEL=R>L BEL=V>B BAL=A>E So, the root of ancient Greek excludes the possibility of borrowing from Slavic languages because simoly they are not languages born in the Balkans. Another alternative form of Old Greek is ῥίπτω (rhīptō) which linguists wrongly confuse with Proto-Indo-Eur

The etymology of the word positive

Following on from the post on the origin of the negative. Positive Ideological linguists say that it comes from the Latin positivus, which is derived from positum, the past participle of ponere "to put, to place." It is really strange how this word has a meaning related to the "po"(yes) of the Albanian language. This etymological ambiguity of the word is inherent in it: Does the Latin positivus derive from positum, the past participle of ponere 'to put,' to put', or does something else lie under the rug of the Latin word? Therefore, the basic meaning of 'positive' is to say "po" (yes) in analogy with the etymology of the negative "to say no." This is the reason why an adjective that simply expresses an affirmative quality, if what is affirmed by the Albanian "po"(yes), the meaning of this changes to a 'positive' adjective during the process of linguistic evolution in time. Then, it is natural, the affirmation

Zbulimi i origjinës së mohimit: Një udhëtim gjuhësor

Zbulimi i origjinës së mohimit: Një udhëtim gjuhësor Negacioni, mohimi, jo-ja është një koncept themelor në gjuhë, që na mundëson të shprehim mungesën, kontradiktën dhe refuzimin. Por nga vjen ky koncept? Ky artikull thellohet në etimologjinë e mohimit, duke eksploruar rrënjën proto-indoevropiane *ne dhe lidhjet e saj me gjuhën shqipe. negativ (mbiemër.) Gjuhëtarët thonë vjen nga latinishtja negat-, rrjedha,paskajore e "negare" e cila ne thelb kupton "thuaj jo", "pasi i është thënë jo". Në latinisht, "po" është "sic" dhe "jo" është "non". Negare-s i mungon "non". Si është ndërtuar "negare" pa pasur rrënjën bazë të kuptimit jo? Gjuhëtarët mendojnë që rrënja proto-indo-evropiane është *ne që do të thotë "jo". Burimi hipotetik i/provave për ekzistencën e saj jepet me evidence si nga: Sanskritishtja a-, *an- "jo;" Avestan *në "jo, nuk;" greqishtja a-, an-, ne- "jo, n

The fake etymologies of the Albanian language words.

Three pro-Slavic and Slavic authors Orel, Topalli, and Omari say that the word *grusht (fist) of Albanian language is borrowed from the language of the South Slavs. As I have explained in my articles, Albanian has the G code in many of its words that indicate the union of two or more elements with each other, such as golë (mouth) gjuhë (tongue), gisht (finger) etc. There is also, the noun-formative ending formed by the third person of the verb jam as "ost", "ist", "est" is a characteristic suffix of the Albanian language that is also cognate with words of the Latin language and ancient Greek, languages documented before the arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans. What is the linguistic truth manipulated by the Slavic linguistic nationalism sponsored in pro-Slavic linguists? The truth is different, the language of the South Slavs borrowed the word fist from the Albanian language. In addition to the evidence of the characteristic word structure of the Albanian

E vërteta e origjinës së fjalës grusht të gjuhës shqipe.

Tre autore prosllavë dhe sllavë Orel, Topalli, dhe Omari thonë që fjala grusht është huazuar nga gjuha e sllavëve të jugut. Në këtë artikull do të parashtroj një kundërargument ndaj pretendimit se fjala shqipe për "grusht" është huazuar nga gjuhët sllave të jugut. Në vend të kësaj, fjala grusht është huazuar nga shqipja në gjuhët e sllaveve të jugut. A ka prova nga armenishtja dhe greqishtja tre gjuhët të shkëputur të parat nga gjuha mëmë PIE për të mbështetur argumentin tim? Siç kam shpjeguar në artikujt e mi kodin e G-së shqipja e ka në shumë fjalë të saj që tregojnë bashkimin e dy ose më shumë elementëve me njëri tjetrin si gojë, golë, gjuhë, gluhë, gisht, etj. Gjithashtu mbaresa emër-formues e formuar nga veta e trete e foljes jam si oshte, isht, est, ësht është një mbaresë karakteristike e gjuhës shqipe që është cognate gjithashtu me fjalë të gjuhës Latine dhe Greqishtes e lashtë, gjuhë të dokumentuara para ardhjes së sllavëve në Ballkan. Cila është e vërteta gjuhësore

Alfbeti i ashtuquajtur grek

Një udhëtim krijues dhe poetik reth alfabetit të  quajtur sot "grek", për të eksploruar kuptimet e shkronjave.  Alfabeti eshtë "nëna që bën (ndërton) fjalët dhe nga ku dalin fjalët". Gjuha shqipe ka krijuar alfabetin  e quajtur sot "grek" dhë është e vetmja gjuhë që bashkon shkronjat dhe tingujt e tyre në një mënyrë unike.  Është një qasje magjepsëse për të eksploruar gjuhën shqipe dhe ju miqtë e mi këtu duhet te jeni krenare dhe entuziaste për gjuhën e nënës, gjuhën shqipe!  Unë besoj në një arsyetim se vargëzimi i shkronjave të alfabetit dhe kuptimet e shkronjave lidhen me gjuhen shqipe të vjetër dhe kam ndarë paraprakisht mendimet e mia për këtë në artikujt e mi etimologjike.  Ndërtimi i alfabetit bazohet tek metafora. Tre shkronjat e para i referohen qartë pjesëve të rëndësishme të thelbit të alfabetit si: A (fjala),-ALFA B (bëj, e bëra, ndërtimi)-BETA G (ama, nëna, gjë-ama)-GAMA dhe e katërta D (del, dera)-DELTA Fillimisht është *fjala dhe e dyta *bër

The etymology of the Albanian Cham dialect "bedhé" (down) and its connections to ancient Greek.

The etymology of the Albanian Cham dialect  "bedhé" (down) and its connections to ancient Greek. Albanian language is a fascinating language. Exploring only the etymology of the Albanian Cham dialect word "bedhé" (down) gives you the connections to ancient Greek language but what it more important how the word was created. I am delving into the roots of words like "dhê" (earth/ground), "bedhé"(down), "përdhe" (down), and "mbërdhe" (in/at the ground). My analysis highlights the complex and intriguing history of the Albanian language!  It's a delight to follow the Albanian linguistic journey!  The simple problem from today's etymologies is the semantics.  The other languages do not show any semantic conection between the concept down and earth/ground. Down means toward or in a lower place or position, especially  on the ground and that is how the word "bedhé" of the Albanian language is created. This semantic c

Etimomologjia e problem dhe përballoj.

Problem është një fjalë që etimologjia e sotme nuk e kupton. Në shqip gjuhëtarët thonë është një huazim nga latinishtja e cila si gjithmonë e ka huazuar nga "greqishtja" e vjetër. Një 'fjalë' që e gjejnë në "greqishten" e vjetër si "ballein", që do të thotë "hedh" por gjuhëtarët nuk e lidhin aspak këtë fjalë në fjalën e osmanishtes "bela" dhe "bala" e cila e ka huazuar nga persishtja. Shikohet që dy format janë pothuaj të njëjta "ballein" dhe "bela/bala" ku e para ka shtesë vetëm mbaresën "in". Kuptimi i tyre "problem" dhe "bela" në përformacën kutptimore në gjuhën shqipe të sotme është i njëjtë, ndërsa rrënjët e tyre të menduara kanë kuptime krejt të ndryshme nga njëra tjetra, njera kupton "perpara hedh" dhe tjetra "vuajtje, dhimbje" Në gjuhën shqipe bela nuk ka lidhje aspak me dhimbje, vuajtja: belá,-ja emër i gjinisë femërore; numri shumës; -(të)

The primordial roots *la, *ba and *ka.

Kodet e gjuhës shqipe Ekziston një grup fjalësh në gjuhën shqipe si *la që ka kuptimin lart, folja *ba (të bësh) dhe folja *ka (të kesh) ose forma *kon të cilat janë rrënjët e fjalëve të meposhtme: 1. Ball (forehead) → *ba + *la = Ball ( ba la) 2. Mal (mountain) → *m(ë) + *la = Mal (high mountain) 3. Pallat (palace) → *ba + *la + *t (suffix) = Pallat (ba la=built high) 4. Ballkan → *ba + *la+ *ka+n (suffix)= Ballkan (high reigion) 5. Ballkon (balcony) → *ba + *la + *ka(kon)= Ballkon (ball kon) 6. Malësi (mountain region) → *m(ë) + *la+ *si (suffix) = Malësi (high region) 7. Alah (god) → *a + *la = Alah (high one) 8. Alpe (alpe) → *a+ *la +be=Alpe (high reigion)

The etymology of ἀκαλαρρείτης

I am presenting a detailed etymological analysis of the word "ἀκαλαρρείτης" from Homer's works, proposing a decomposition into Albanian language roots and challenging the conventional Greek etymology.  My argument is based on the idea that the word's structure and meaning are better explained by Albanian linguistic codes and semantics, suggesting that Homer's language may have been influenced by or written in an early form of Albanian.  According to Beekes, we find ἀκαλαρρείτης (adjective) only in Homer "Ἠέλιος μὲν ἔπειτα νεον προσεβαλλεν ἀρούρας ἐξ ἀκαλαρρείταο παθυρρόου Ὠκεανοῖο...(Η 422, τ 434) (My translation according to Albanian: Thus the sun was pres-ballet (cut in the front) arave (fields) outside the motionless deep-flowing Ocean). Robert Beekes thinks it is a word of Greek origin. As you can easily see, it is a five-syllable adjective. ἀκαλαρρείτης, ἀκαλαρρείτης, -ου We break it down according to the mother tongue of the word, the Albanian language:

The true etymology of ἀκαλαρρείτης

Më poshtë keni një analizë të hollësishme etimologjike të fjalës "ἀκαλαρρείτης" nga veprat e Homerit, duke propozuar një zbërthim nga rrënjët e gjuhës shqipe dhe duke sfiduar etimologjinë konvencionale greke. Argumenti im bazohet në idenë se struktura dhe kuptimi i fjalës shpjegohen më mirë nga kodet gjuhësore dhe semantika e gjuhës shqipe, duke sugjeruar se gjuha e Homerit ka qënë e ndikuar ose shkruar në një formë të hershme të shqipes. Sipas Beekes ἀκαλαρρείτης (mbiemër) e gjejmë vetëm tek Homeri "Ἠέλιος μὲν ἔπειτα νέον προσέβαλλεν ἀρούρας ἐξ ἀκαλαρρείταο βαθυρρόου Ὠκεανοῖο...(Η 422, τ 434) (Helios mén épeita néon prosebállen aroúrās eks akalarreítao bathyrróu Ōkeanóio" Përkthimi im sipas shqipes: Kështu dielli pastaj u pres-ballet arave jashtë Oqeanit të palëvizshëm të thellë-rjedhshëm) dhe mendon se është fjalë me origjinë greke. Siç shihet lehtë eshte një mbiemër me pesë rrokje. ἀκαλαρρείτης, ἀκαλαρρείτης, -ου Shqiptohet: akalarreítês E zbërthejmë sipas kodev

The tru origin of the albanian word avitem

I am stopping at the Albanian language word "avitem" which Anila Omari, an Albanian linguists, she considers it a loan from the Serbian language. Omar considers it a loanword and she is one of the 2 Albanian linguists who have qualified this word as a loanword from the Slavonic of the South Slavs (the other is Xelal Ylli ). According to Omar avit: avit (avis, avitinj - arbëresh, avyt - Geg) "Borrowed from South Slavic, from Proto-Slavic *aviti ("to show, (reflexive) to show oneself, appearing"), whence Old Church Slavonic авити (aviti), Serbo-Croatian jáviti/я́вити. ." Avitem is a word originating from the Albanian language in the union of its roots, the verb "vi" (to come) and ti (you) which later Latin has borrowed in its term "vicinus"/near and "venire"/to come. In writing Vinka is simply a "V" with a line on the right side of the V. Arbëresh Albanian language (Albanians people emegrited 600 years ago in Italy) s

E verteta e huazimeve nga gjuha e sllaveve te jugut.

Mashtrimi i "shkollarëve" mbi ndikimin sllav mbi shqipen ka filluar me hetimin e parë të fjalorit sllav në shqip nga Franc Miklošič (1870) dhe duke vazhduar deri më sot. Këto përfshijnë gjithashtu punën e bërë nga Gustav Meyer (1891), Stefan Mladenov (1927), Afanasij Seliščev (1931), Norbert Jokl (1934–35)(Hebre, profesori i Çabej), Petar Skok (1941), Eqrem Çabej (1962), Anna Desnickaja (1968); dhe së fundmi nga Gunnar Svane (1992), Vanja Stanišić (1995), Xhelal Ylli (1997), Vladimir Orel (2000), dhe Anila Omari (2019). Disa nga këto studime jane trajtuar si fjalorë dhe studimeve etimologjike (Miklošič, Meyer, Skok, Orel); të tjerat janë si hetime gjuhësore dhe kulturore (Mladenov, Seliščev, Jokl). Është interesante evidenca që rritjen e bursave për huazime nga sllavishtja në shqipe, me rritjen e fondeve për të studjuar këto huazime, po aq shumë është rritur numri i këtyre huazimeve. Nuk është rastësi numri 93%. Investimet me sa duket nuk do të ndalojnë derisa të shkojë numri

Fjala akadiane 'balaṭu'

Folja "balāṭu" në akadisht do të thotë më jetue, me qën i gjallë, me mbajt gjallë diçka, i shëndetshëm; për të rimarrë veten; me u shërue, me u mbajt. Vërtetohet në gjuhën akadisht në një tekst të Tumult-Ninurta Fjalorët (CAD, AHw) e shënojnë atë si "kuptim i panjohur". Fjala akadiane 'balaṭu' gjendet në Sureyt (Turoyo) dhe kupton me lulëzue, mbin ose të bëhesh i fortë dhe i shëndetshëm. Përdoret për pemë dhe bimësi, kujdes në pranverë. "a karme mbalaṭṭe" që do të thotë se vështirë po mbijnë, ku shihet qartë lidhja me format "mbjell" dhe "mbij" të gjuhës shqipe. Përdoret edhe për personat, shumë të fortë, për fëmijët kur rriten dhe bëhen më të shëndetshëm, ku eshte koncepti i berjes i metaforizuar si rritje dhe forcim. “U z’uro m-baleṭ” që do të thotë i vogli (fëmija) ka filluar dhe është bërë më i shëndetshëm/i fortë. Origjina e "balatu": Nga gjuha e vjetër shqipe. Rrënjët shumëdimensionale te gjuhës shqi

How the word mouth was created in Proto-Indo-European languages?

Albanian language codes. Are the nouns goj(ë) satandart Albanian, gol(ë) (Chsm dialect) semantically related to the nouns "llaf" and "fjalë" (word) and to the verbs thom (them) (say), "fol, flas"(talk, speak), mollois (say about something, sillois (do not say anything)? As I pointed out before, the word for mouth "goj, gola" in Albanian language comes from a language related to the qualities of the physical objects they represent. Codes in brief: G: Semantic code-combination of two elements into a single one, one of the multidimensional of this code pictogtaphic code the main form of the mouth. O: Another pictographic code for the mouth, its circular shape. L: the motion code J: I think a phonetic transformation of L>I>J Other Codes in them: TH=pictographic synonymous code of G, the joining of two elements into a single circular shape. Only the form "thom" does not carry the code of L in the corresponding verb, I think maybe for p

The books of Albanian authors have a deliberate misinformation about the Albanian language

The accuracy and motivations of some linguists who have written about the origin of the Albanian language has worried me since around 1992-1993, when I started intensively studying Albanian linguists about the origin of the Albanian language. My approach to the topic of the origin of the word in general and the origin of the words of the Albanian language began with a very critical eye towards the main Albanian and foreign authors about the origin of the words of the Albanian language and the Albanian language, and I began to slowly raise my method based on perspectives multidimensional creation and origin of the word. After the study, my conclusion was that the books of Albanian authors have a deliberate misinformation about the Albanian language hidden in a "scientific" language and based on one-sided choices of evidence. The first question that arose in me was why this happened? After spending 10 years studying and analyzing hundreds of words, verbs and other grammatical c

The depth of the Albanian language

There is a connections between the Albanian language and ancient texts, including the scripture below. The analysis of the words and phrases in the scripture of the picture below offers a unique perspective with the meaning of Jesus' words "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani" I think the Albanian language holds the key to understanding this writings and also the words of Jesus. The scripture can be broken down and analyzed through the lens of Albanian etymology.  Specifically the connections between words like YL/EL (star), BACHT/BOSHS (together), and PRES BY TE RO "wait to live" and how they relate to concepts like unity, joining, and living together. The linguistic analysis to uncover potential meanings and connections in these ancient texts can be resolved by the oldest language of PIE the Albanianlanguage. The depths of the Albanian language is evident, and it's exciting to consider the possibilities of what the research of the Albanian could reveal. The Alban

The origin of the Albanian language word lopatë.word

Why are Topalli, Orel and Omari wrong about the Albanian language word lopatë/Shovel? I have given an etymological version for this word. Today I am giving the second version which took me back to my first version from many years ago. In my notes I found *lu and *ba. The etymology: LOPATË= LO PAT= LU PAT=O>U LU BA-T=P>B, T suffix  LU BA LU=Geg Albanian *Lu/ move BA=Geg Albanian *ba/does The shovel serves to move the soil, or any similar element. It has the same origin as the Albania word language word *lugë/spoon. Ultimately originating from Geg Albanian language. What is the function of a shovel? A shovel is a tool used to move materials such as soil or loose, granular materials (such as dirt, gravel, grain, or snow) from one place to another. The Albanian language is beyond science. Wrong etymology: Lopatë/shovel Borrowed from a South Slavic language; compare Serbo-Croatian lòpata ("shovel"), Bulgarian лопата (shovel, "shovel"). Ultimately derived from Proto

The true origin of the word aroma

The etymological truth of the words. The word: *aroma From *ere and *ma of the Albanian language. 1) ér/ë,-a -era(s) invisible particles emitted by flowers or different substances, which are felt in the nose; something that is felt by the nose: 2) mba/ma Geg fall, release: ér(ë) ma/it smells Mbaj from mbanj (arbëresh), maj (Geg Albanian north, paj (Geg Albanian northwest) Etymology From mbanj (arbëreşe), from *ënbanj (compare old Gege ënbaj), from Proto-Albanian *en- (intensive prefix) + *barnja, causative of *bera, falls. I think that the oldest initial form of this concept is *mha which is preserved only in Geignish today as *ma. Fraudulend European etymology: *aroma from Latin aroma "sweet smell", from Greek aroma "spice, a spice or sweet herb", which is of unknown origin.

The etymology of the Italian city Siena.

Siena. The etymology of the Italian city Siena. The city of Italy Siena is located in the center of Tuscany, in the center of a wide hilly landscape, between the valleys of the rivers Arbia in the south, Merse in the south-west and Elsa in the north, between the Chianti hills in the north-east, Montagnola. to the west and Siena of Crete to the southeast. The purpose of this article is to present a grounded analysis of place names that happened in Italy in the areas dominated by the Etruscans and the Illyrians within the framework of the old Albanian language and the building codes of toponyms from it. Every act of naming a place I think has been a semantically conscious and intentional act, and at least to some extent every name is semantically motivated (Ditrói 2017: 24-25). Therefore, the name of a place cannot be considered a random, idiotic phenomenon, as a combination of any sounds. I think the names of the places have an origin as a lexical unit, semantically meaningful, generall

The truth about the ancient greek language.

Someone told me I have mistakes in my etymologies. My aim from the beginning has not been to find the etymology of words. The goal was to find the universal code for how words are created. For this I had to read all the theories from the church books to today's modern theories. The first impressions after the readings and the answers to the successive questions that arose naturally within me challenged the theories that are now accepted as scientific truths about language and history, based on what I came to the conclusion after 30 years of exhaustion, meditation, analysis and returning to the starting point hundreds of times that today's linguistics is a gigantic fraud and the history based on church books is the most scandalous fraud of the language and history of Europe. Do you know how they say the eye in ancient Greek? What about the Doric version of the word? They used to say *ὄσε, which is pronounced OSE, and linguists assume there is also an H, but those who put it wron

How to identify the oldest language.

*dies Solis in Latin means day of the sun. While the name dit/day of the Albanian language, according to Vladimir Orel, comes from the Proto-Albanian *dīti, which comes from the Proto-Indo-European *díHtis. The Albanian word *dit/day is related to the English word *tide which comes from Old English tīd ("time"), from Proto-Germanic *tīdiz ("time"), from Proto-Indo-European *déh₂itis ("time"), from Proto - Indo-European *deh₂y- ("to divide"). While *deis and *day of the Latin and English-German languages are different forms compare with their words for *sun, respectively Solis, Sun-Sonne, while the Albanian language word *dit /day has the form very close to the word *diell/sun. We are dealing with the primitive concepts of light, day, time and the division of time and the all-round connection of these units of language with the cause of this phenomenon the sun. I think these units of the first Indo-European language were created based on multi-qua