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Today's etymology is dominated by ideological linguists.

The mid-1800s was a time of significant political and linguistic upheaval in Europe, with the emergence of new nation-states and the reshaping of borders. In this mess, the Albanian language and culture remained constant, preserving the ancient linguistic roots and traditions. While around 1820 in the States of Italy, France, only about 10% of the population spoke Italian and French. In Greece, around 85% of the population spoke Albanian in 1824, this was hidden by the semi-fascist state that was created by the Russo-English at the expense of the Albanian lands and people. The only people, 100% of the population who spoke the Albanian language without interruption since ancient times were the Albanians, scientists say at least for 8 thousand years without interruption. Why is the Albanian language like a light in the darkness of etymological meaning? The clarity and sharpness that Albanian offers in finding the origin of the word is too radiant to see some linguists, with their eyes th
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The etymology of the latin word polire.

POLIRE  The Latin "polire" and the Albanian language, tracing it back to the root meaning "Make it free" (Bo lire). There is also a connection between "polire" and "lame" (washed) suggesting a possible relationship between cleansing and polishing. The linguistic evolution, the history of human language and thought, and etymology are very complex.  The exploring of the connections between Latin, Albanian, and other languages  contribute to a deeper comprehension of language and its role in shaping human culture and understanding. Latin "polire" means "to polish." Watkins to be from PIE root *pel- (5) "to thrust, strike, drive," Watkins goes close to the root of the thought, but he can't find the origin of the word. "to thrust, strike, drive," have a logical connection with freedom, especially drive, but are far from the form "polire" of the latin word. There are many other assumptions about the

"κυβερνάω" (kybernao) meaning "to direct" or "to govern" can be traced back to the Albanian language.

"κυβερνάω" (kybernao) meaning "to direct" or "to govern" can be traced back to the Albanian language. The breakdown of "krye-ban-Na" into its constituent parts: 1. "krye" (head, leader) 2. "ban" (do) 3. "na" (us) Results in the phrase "Krye ban na", which indeed means "he leads the way" or "he directs us" in Albanian. This etymology suggests that the concept of governance or direction has its roots in the idea of leadership and guidance. The attribution of this word to a Mediterranean, possibly pre-Greek substrate by Beekes, and its connection to the nominative verb "κύρβεις" (kúrbeis, "rollable wooden cylinder") by Neumann, highlights the complex and layered history of languages. The fact that Albanian has preserved this primordial word intact, while it has evolved into "governess" in modern English, speaks to the language's unique position in the Indo-

The true origin of the words from the Albanian language.

To be more clear: What happened to the words of the Albanian language, Latin, ancient Greek" and Ottoman Turkish? Many linguists talked too much about borrowings of Albanian from these languages, but the science of linguistics is interested in the truth and not at all in the ideology and nationalism invested in linguistics. To find the first origin of words in their concepts, we must analyze a group of words from these languages which are: Albanian language words: 1) "i" and "ni" the word for the number one in Geg Albanian language, the mother of the Albanian language. "Një" (one) in the standard where an "ë" has been added from the Tosk dialect, but which originates from a "ni" of Geg Albanian language nii>nji>nje>një. 2) "i ri "(new) 3) "nis" (start, beginning) 4) "i ri" (young) 5) "njishi" Geg Albanian (the one) 6) "fillim" (beginning) 7) "femijë" (child) of st

Folja kam e serbishtes "имати" (imati)

Fjala e ditës. Folja kam e serbishtes "имати" (imati) e ka origjinën nga përemri "im" i gjuhës shqipe.  Nuk është gjë tjetër veçse një formë e "të miat" e  gjuhës shqipe. Format kallëzore, dhanore tim, gjinore (i) tim, emërore, kallëzore shumës e mi, gjinore shumës (i) të mi, shumës në dhanore të mi tregojnë pa u lodh shumë etimologjinë e foljes kam të serbishtes. Jo për një gjuhëtar, por për këdo është bindëse lidhja midis foljes serbe "imati" (të kesh) dhe përemrit shqip "im" dhe shprehjes "të miat". Zbatimi i regullit themelor të etimologjisë ngjashmëria në formë dhe kuptimit midis dy fjalëvë është zbatimi ideal i etimologjisë në këtë rast, e cila  nga ana tjetër mbështet teorinë time se gjuhët e sllavëve të jugut kanë huazuar mijëra fjalë nga gjuha shqipe dhe  ndikimit të madh të gjuhës shqipe në gjuhët e sllavëve të jugut. Folja kam është një nga foljet thelbësore të çdo gjuhe. Kuptimi thelbësor i "të miat" (i i

Conscious-Consciousness etymology_part2.

"Con" e latinishtes dhe "kam" e shqipes. Cila është natyra themelore e foljes "kam/kon" dhe kuptimin i saj fillestar! Thelbi i "kam" qëndron në shprehjen e një marrëdhënieje midis subjektit (ju) dhe një objekti ose koncepti. Kjo marrëdhënie përfshin aspekte të ndryshme, si: Posedim (diçka të përket ty) Shoqërim (diçka që është e lidhur me ju) Përfshirja (diçka që është pjesë e juaja ose e identitetit tuaj) Lidhja (diçka që është e lidhur me emrin ose ekzistencën tuaj) Nga ana gjuhësore, folja "kam" është një koncept kompleks dhe i lashtë, me rrënjët e saj në proto-indo-evropiane (PIE). Rrënja e PIE është "*keh2-", habitërisht me vetën e dytë të foljes kam të gjuhës shqipe, U kam, ti ke.., e cila sipas gjuhëtarëve mbante një ndjenjë të "mbajtjes" ose "kapjes", e cila u zhvillua në forma dhe kuptime të ndryshme nëpër gjuhë. Mendoj që kuptimi primordial i "kam" është i lidhur ngushtë me idenë e lidhj

Conscious-Consciousness etymology.

Conscious-Consciousness in its simplest form refers to the sense of inner knowledge already gained about everything you have seen before. Explanations of the origin of this word is thought to be of first Latin origin. Is this a scientific fact? I think not. The external side as well as the idolization of the etymology says that it comes from Latin, but Plato asks what words came before this word, which father and mother of this word brought this concept to the mouths of the Latins? Is seeing part of our inner knowing? Is sensation part of our internal knowledge? Consciousness is also what you have seen before, what you see but also what you have seen before, what you feel when you see, known, known before and as a result it has been acquired within you. The Geg Albanian language gives us the origin of the first thought particle of consciousness, with nih (feel), with feel it exists within us, but is consciousness only sensation? Albanian defines the meaning of the word very precisely a