New linguistic concepts. Codex of the Albanian language.
The Albanian language was a written language long before the ancient Greek and Latin languages. The evidence is in the words of the Albanian language. The Albanian language comes from a written pictographic language and is the mother of the Greek and Latin alphabet.
The objects we now call the letters of the alphabet represent the pictographic evolution of an older written language. Each letter has a form that comes from the abstraction of a first pictogram and has a basic meaning underlying on it.
Modern interpretation of a letter is generally related to the sound only.
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What the hell is an alphabet?
The writing system is 9,000 years old, invented about 9,000 years ago in what is now Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo, a land attributed to the ancestors of modern Albanians. That written language is called the Vinça script.
Most linguists agree that writing began as proto-writing and evolved with pictographs that corresponded to the shape or movement of objects in the world around us. The root of evert writing are the pictograms which gradually developed into symbols for words. At first these "paintings" symbolized one thing, it was a painting to make the first word, to symbolize concrete things; for example, an image of a lame man. Then another level of abstract generalization arose when symbols such as ÇO and CO were developed to explain the world and its movements and concept in an ideo-grammatic way.
Pictograms became more abstract over the millennia. In short they started from the pictographic symbol "lame man" for a lame man, evolving into ideograms of what they refer to. The Albanian words "ÇAL" or "COP" seem to have no visual connection with a lame person or a limb.
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I think that this is not true for the words of the Albanian language.
The letters Ç and C.
The meaning of the specific group of Albanian language words below is their meaning code.
An incomplete O, where O represents the entirety of the thing, while ç and c represent the lack of something in a thing, person, limb, body, etc.
So things that are not O are defective, broken, separated, they symbolize the absence of something within the object they encode. Look and evaluate the shape of ç and c as pictograms, where the shape of O is missing a part, it is not complete.
Ç and C as letters and C also as a sound are absent in almost all European languages. Here, in Ç and C you can easily understand the origin of the Latin alphabet.
Albanian dictionary
* Çyryk
Who has a scar or who is crippled by a disease or something else; that has any defects in the body, that is broken, damaged or rotten; that does not hold.
Çyryk man. Horse çyryk. Wall çyryk. Çyryke branch.
*Cen,-i noun of the masculine gender; plural; -e(s)
1. defect; mutilation from a disease, etc.: man with a mole; left it with me; free work.
2. figurative meaning; bad habit, vice; stain: peel and remove; it has a cen.
*Çálë (i, e) adjective;
1. also as a noun; who has one leg shorter than the other, who limps; which is shorter than the other (for legs): a lame person; lame horse; lame leg; if you stay with the lame, you will learn to be lame (fj. u.) if you stay with bad people, you will get their vices.
2. figurative meaning; that has a flaw; deficient: lame work.
*Cóp/ë,-a feminine noun; plural; -a(s) and -era(s)
1. part of something separated from the whole; part of a whole, of time, of life, etc.: a piece of pie (cheese, meat, bread); piece of stone (brick, wood); scraps of paper (glass); a piece of land; a piece of road; a piece of time some time; a piece an undivided whole; fragmented sleep interrupted sleep; piece of meat with two eyes (interpret.) stupid man; who seeks the big piece, also loses the small one (fj. u.); where they show the big piece, take the small spoon! don't expect too much from something to be praised too much!
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