What does it mean to do or to happen a new thing?
What does it mean to do or to happen a thing repeatedly?
What does it mean to do or to happen a thing repeatedly?
We have an ancient Greek word that is Αβαρισταν (Ebaristan), at which Robert B. stops and writes that it is not a Greek word. He knows the structure of ancient Greek and thinks that this word cannot be explained in ancient Greek.
Robert Beekes put a question mark on the word, which to him means of unknown origin.
The ancient Greek word definitely has the Albanian words Geg "E ba" and "rishtas" which means it happens again. It has also meaning to be made new, to get rid of old things.
It is so easy for Robert Beekes, one of the best of the ancient Greek language, to realize that the word is not a Greek word, but which he mistakenly took to be a word from a non-IE language.
He is wrong because that word means something that happens periodically, and comes from the Albanian language.
The etymology of Αβαρισταν (Ebaristan).
E BA RISHTAS=change of N to S part of the suffix that has nothing to do with the root of the word *rishtas.
E BA= to be made, happen
RISHTAS= new again
The root of *rishtas is the Albanian word "ri" wich has two meanings in Albanian, it is the word for young and new.
Rinon in Albanian also means something that makes you young, new, rejuvenates.
The word "ebaristan" comes from the Albanian language and means "to be made something new again". The word of Geg Albanian*ba means to make and in its medio-passive form means to make something to itself.
The albanian word *rishtas means repeat and renew simultaneously which are semantically related, they are things that happen constantly, but for the woman's body *renew means to create a new state for the woman's body, without the old dirty thing inside her body.
What written evidence did Eqrem Çabej require for the Albanian language?
Çabej, known as the greatest linguist and historical researcher of the Albanian language, known as a key expert in the research of the Albanian language and its etymology, apparently stayed away from ancient Greek.
Had Eqrem Çabej received any order from above not to scratch the skin of the ancient Greek?
Qualified as a historical researcher of Albanian for borrowings from Latin? Or for borrowings from Slavic languages?
RISHTAS ndajf.
- 1. Përsëri, prapë; edhe një herë nga e para. E mbollën rishtas. Doli (u duk) rishtas. Erdhën rishtas.
- Ai që është i ri në një punë a detyrë dhe që ende nuk ka përvojë, fillestar, i ri. Është rishtar në zanat.
RI m.
- 1. Djalë i ri, djalë në moshën e rinisë, djalosh; kund. plak. I ri punëtor (kooperativist). Të rinj e të reja. Pleq e të rinj. Të rinjtë e fshatit. Forca e të riut. Kampionati për të rinjtë. Këpucë për të rinj.
- 2. Anëtar i organizatës së rinisë. Të rinjtë e organizatës. Mbledhje me të rinjtë.
- 3. Përdoret pranë mbiemrit të djalit, që ka emër të njëjtë me të atin. Gavril Dora i Riu.
RI as.
- Mosha e re, mosha e rinisë; kund. pleqëri. Shkoi (kaloi) të ritë. Gëzoi (humbi) të ritë. (Si) në të ri. Që në të ri. Gëzofsh të ritë! ur.
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