Panel 1 of Mummies of Zagreb begins Z Frag. A-1 MVLA Ce SAN TITIS.
Mula (MVLA) is the proto-Albanian word "mulo", which comes from Geg Albanian. While *mulo ke" of GEG means "to cover. The verb "kam/have" of the Albanian language is used only in Geg in the sense of the infinitive of the verb "jam" like "me kone" which is the origin of "qënë/ to be" of the Albanian language.
"MVLA Ke" means "mulo ke", "mbulo ke" in the standard Albanian language which exactly in English is "cover have".
Some of the translations of the letter V is O which I think is wrong.
I think the "V" was as a diphthong "Vu", which in Geg passed from Vu>U and in Tosk Vu>bu.
The full sentence is "MULA CE SAN TITIS.
The possibilities of dividing the phrase are numerous, but not following the dictionaries of Latin or old Greek, which are much newer languages compared to Geg Albanian or to the Albanian language itself.
We notice that in this case based on Geg Albanian we have a phrase:
"Cover to block the light", in the form:
Where a>o, s>z, and t>d
MULO=mulo Geg means cover, mbulo/cover in standard.
KE ZAN=zan Geg, zene in standard.
The meanining of KE ZAN is "to block" in this case. It is the past participle form of Geg "me zan" in the form "ke zan".
DIT-IS= dit/day, drite/light apparently must have been a single word day = light in protoalbanian language.
MVLO, MULO ne Geg and MBULO in standart is an imperative way of the Albanian language, the request to a single person or two or more persons to perform an action in the active form.
Geg Albanian is a language that should not only be included in the Albanian standard language, but it is an extraordinary asset for the human language in the world, which should be protected by law. It is the linguistic matrix of the Indo-European languages
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