Dalet and delta
Part 1:
The Greek alphabet letter delta has a fascinating connection with the Albanian language. From an etymological perspective, the Albanian words "dal" and "del" (exit) reveal a striking similarity with the Phoenician letter Dalet and the Greek letter Delta. This similarity is not a coincidence, as the Albanian language has preserved ancient words and meanings that date back thousands of years.
The existence of the words "der" (door) and the verb "del" and "dal" (exit) only in the Albanian language raises questions about the origins of these words. The etymological root and meaning of these words are identical to the Dalet (Phoenician) and Delta (Greek) letters, which were written three thousand years ago in prestigious alphabets that valued written culture in Europe.
This means that the Albanian verb "dal/del" (exit) gives the translation of Dalet and Delta as pictograms, indicating that the Albanian language verb may have been formed first. The name "der" (door) comes from the verb "del, dal" (exit), where a simple phonetic change "l>r" occurs, transforming the verb into a noun, an object where someone exits the room. This process is similar to what we today call word conversion, changing a word from one word class to another.
The connection between the Albanian language and the ancient Greek alphabet is not a coincidence. The new languages used Albanian words to name and translate the meaning of their letters. The Cham and Geg dialect of the Albanian language, which has not been studied thoroughly by Albanian and foreign linguists, offers additional insights into the origins of these words. In Cham and Geg Albanian, the word "Da" means "separate".
The rounded letter "D" also does not come from an idiotic symbol but is much older as a writing concept and is just a pictogram. The meanings of delta/delta and the rounded letter D include:
- Dalet/delta, a triangle pointing to the left, indicates a direction of movement, an exit.
The origin of these Albanian words, the verb "dal" (exit), the noun "dalje" (exit), and the noun form "der(r)" (door), can be traced back to the Vinca alphabet.
Copyright © 2024 Fatmir Iliazi.
The connection between the Albanian language and the ancient Greek alphabet is not a coincidence. The new languages used Albanian words to name and translate the meaning of their letters. The Cham and Geg dialect of the Albanian language, which has not been studied thoroughly by Albanian and foreign linguists, offers additional insights into the origins of these words. In Cham and Geg Albanian, the word "Da" means "separate".
The rounded letter "D" also does not come from an idiotic symbol but is much older as a writing concept and is just a pictogram. The meanings of delta/delta and the rounded letter D include:
- Dalet/delta, a triangle pointing to the left, indicates a direction of movement, an exit.
The origin of these Albanian words, the verb "dal" (exit), the noun "dalje" (exit), and the noun form "der(r)" (door), can be traced back to the Vinca alphabet.
Copyright © 2024 Fatmir Iliazi.
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