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Several Evolutionary Stages

The human language evolved from primitive communication to a language system. The evolution of language passed through several stages until it reached our modern expression of thought. The relation between stages is due to the fact that language started as a codification, or a reflection of the world outside us (Linguistic Universality). The continuity stands to the outside objects codified. Our receptors  eyes, nose, ears, mouth, received the input signals from environment and brains cells converted them  into a language signal. They were receiving the input information; the brain was creating ways to pass to a final output destination, which after a long time of developing the communication stage was the oral-acoustic organ. If there was no environment, there was no language going to be developed. After a certain time it was memorized to DNA and genes, however it is an infinite process, which it gradually gets partly memorized to the DNA and genes, and the rest is always in

Medical terms

It is very interesting how Albanian is used for creating new words, for example, the terms of the Medicine. “Vestibular-cochlear ” is created from four roots of Albanian: #1: * Vesh  is the Albanian word for ear. #2. * Bullar  is the Albanian word for a snake. *Bullar is a snake that likes to live inside the houses. In Albanian folklore, bullar was a no-venomous house snake that people used to have at home for cleaning it from rats. It was treated friendly like we treat today dogs. * Bullar was used also as a home guarder. In the south is still in use the fraise: “He sees as a bullar ”. Having a bullar in house was an auspicious sign as well. While " i bullar" is the possessive form, or the genitive of the noun * bullar . The / i / form is a grammatical category , when it is used before a noun, with the same function that / of / has in English. In this case the / i / is used for stating which something belongs to. In this case the * bullar " belongs to the

Language Evolution

How humans made language is a very difficult question. Did they make all language hearing-imitating the sounds of everything in the nature which makes sound? Did human beings use their sounds for referring to water, animals, wind, storm, scratch, etc ? Or, they slowly created words for referring to the most important needs of their existence using many ways of words coding starting from the beginning of their conscious. I think, they probably made first words in this order: I. Water.(u) 1. River(lu) 2. Rein(shi) II. Food.(ug) 1. Hungry/saturated.(huhr)/? 2. Fruit available to them.(ho) 3. Eat. (ha) III. Dangerous/Safety.(lihg-z'ho) 1.Sun-moon/day-night.(o-n/o-t(ë)) 2. Animal predators of the human flash.(hau) 3. Fear.(bhr) IV. Protection/existence.(hon) 1. Tool/weapons: wood and stone.(hu-ghu) 2. Tree, cave.(ih-oh). 3. Make.(bho) 3. Run. (hihg) V. Reproduction/Sex.(ghi) 1. Woman-man.(go-gu) 2. Kid

Sy, Syndrome, System, Symmetry, Synonym, Sycamore, Syllogism, Synchrony, etc.

Syndrome meaning. Syndrome is the combination of the two roots of Albanian. The roots are: #1: sy 'eye'. #2: ndro 'change'. We know already the meaning of change. Being a native Albanian speaker, I am going to analyse the compound meaning of " eye change" . It generally means when the eyes change they are different from before, which in Albanian is very clear as concept having * ndryshe , which is Albanian word for different. * Ndryshe  has the same root with * ndro , but with a specific meaning. The definition of the concept of " change"  in Albanian does not need a dictionary to be explained using " different form before " because * ndryshe ' different' and * ndro ' change' came from the same root * ndro-y . The concept is there, in the words itself. There are a lot of possibilities. One of them is blinking, when eyelids cover both eyes simultaneously, which leads to a concept like "running them together&


For a long time the linguists have discouraged the relationships between the languages outside of their family. In our modern days, some great linguists, Noam Chomsky, Joseph Greenberg, Derek Bickerton, etc, deeper than others have confirmed that there is a strange link between the languages classified as separate families. Their confirmations have been strongly opposed, especially Joseph Greenberg’s research, because they are very difficult to be understood. Those reaserches have led to reclassification of languages in a number several times lower than previous classifications. Today, some of their approaches are accepted, but several decades ago it would have been impossible. There is no doubt that the knowledge and the use of new methods of language can improve the linguistic thinking on this point, but I have to say we are at the very beginning of the new linguistic era. The etymology, or other suspect linguistic branches have in common that they do not have a precise scient


What does ethos mean? A common Albanian-speaker will mention the verb /them/: Une them , ti thua, ai thote, ne themi, ju thoni, ata thon(ë) / I say, you say, he says, we say, you say, they say (s), While in the past: Une thash(ë), Ti the, Ai tha, Ne tham(ë), Ju that(ë), Ata than(ë) / I said, You said, He said, We said, you said, they said (s). Or imperfect: Une thoja, Ti thoje, Ai thoshte, Ne thoshnim, Ju thoshnit, thonit, ata thoshnin, thonin /I said, You said, He said,….You said, they said. Now, the /thosh/ form is so close to the /ethos/ as letters are. Albanian language uses a very interesting way to substitute the grammatical elements. For example, Ai e tha/ he have said that, where the /e/ form is a substitution of the “that”. Albanian is not like English or every other language. I have to add also the past perfect: Unë kisha thënë, ti kishe thënë,../ I had said, you had said, and the future tense: Une do të them, ti thuash, ai do te thote/ I will say, you will say, h

How humans made the words.

How humans have made the words? How they created father, grandfather, great grandfather meanings?. We have in Albanian and English these forms: 1. * at  'father' 2. * gjysh 'grandfather' 3. * stërgjysh ' great grandfather' The basic meaning of #1: the root is: at ' father'.  In all European languages the “at” is the unattached particle. Only in Albanian it is a really word, not a particle.  It is so clear the first part of the word  father  is from Albanian * at   ‘father.  In the geg Tirana dialect it is also * tate . Ancient Greek átta ‘daddy’, etc.); Albanian words for father and grandfather has two basic roots that have the capability of standing alone.  The English word grandfathe r has the added suffix- grand : having higher rank than others of the same category. It is very clear that the word “grandfather” is created after the word “father”, through suffix grand , adding a new signification to the basic meaning of the first term fath