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The etymology of the existential verbs of the Indo-Europian

Thought codes of the Albanian language. There are three codes of Albanian from which the meaning and the existential verb were mostly formed in the Indo-European languages. The supposed relationship of Albanian borrowings from Çabej to Topalli comes from a theory that was widespread until a few decades ago, when it was based more on formal similarities between words than on systematic, meaningful correspondences in finding their first linguistic origin. Etymology, today's comparative linguistics uses a lot of examples of the dangers caused by "false origin" between words, for example, SUNDOJ in Albanian with SUDIJA/SUDITI judge in slavic by an Albanian pseudo-linguist Anila Omari, where the semantic connection between the words is missing, and the Slavic version cannot explain the presence of n in the word sundoj. From the analysis I made of the Slavic word, it turned out that the slavic word comes from a Latin word IUSDI/IUDEX that means exactly judge and has no origin...

The etymology of the word Malaysia

After we found the Albanian word MAL/ mountain in Norway, in Sardinia and the Himalayas, now it's the turn of a country name. The name Malaysia is a combination of the word Malaj+zia where Malaj comes from the word Mal of protoalbanian language and +zia a suffix of the Proto-Albanian language, which translates as 'Mountain land'. The origin of the word is subject to various theories. The oldest language of the Indo-European family, the Albanian language is excluded from etymological comparisons and is not taken into consideration at all. The linguists say it may be derived from the Sanskrit Himalaya, referring to high mountain areas, or Malaiyur-pura, meaning 'mountain city'. Another similar theory claims that its origin lies in the Tamil words malai and ur meaning "mountain" and "city, land", respectively. Another suggestion is that it derives from the Pamalayu plain. A final suggestion is that it comes from a Javanese word meaning 'to run...

How the word mind was created

Thought codes of the Albanian language. Mendje/Mind From mend +‎ -je, from Proto-Indo-European *men- ("to think"). Compare Latin mens, mentem ("mind"), Old English mynd ("mind"), Old High German gimunt ("mind, memory"). There are several words in the Albanian language that can give the idea of how this word was created. - di means know (knowledge), (idea) -me ba means to do/to make -drejtim means direction and *ngaj means drive which comes from en-gatja, *en-gānja (ngaj similar to modern Albanian) - me ndje(Geg me nih) means feel - degjoj means listen. - me da means separate, divide. 1)man di= ban dijen, ban iden(e) (anagram e dije). Bersja e dijes, e njohjes- krijuesja e dijes ku b>m, nga man di. 2) me n'dje. 3) me u n'drejtu= me ba drejtimin-në kuptimin pësor "me u drejtue" 4) me n'dëgjue-dëgjoj 5) me n'gar-në kuptimin pësor, me u nga. 6) me n'da. Me+verb is the infinitive form of the Albanian Geg that is not ...

The etymogy of the word straight

The Latin Dirigo comes from the Albanian Drite/light. Drite means straight as the light. The word dirigo in Latin or dirito in Italian comes from the Albanian language drite/light, that the linguistic science of the Albanians before the Christian era understood a straight line that originates from a source of light called the sun. Today this concept is better understood by today's science because it is accepted that light rays are visualized in straight lines. There are three ways in which light can travel from one source to another. It can come directly from the source through whitespace, such as from the Sun to the Earth. Or light can travel through different media, such as air and glass, to our eye. Light can also arrive after being reflected, such as from a mirror. In all these cases, light is modeled as traveling in straight lines called rays. Light can change direction when it encounters objects (such as a mirror) or when passing from one material to another (such as w...

The connection between the Albanian language and Sumerian/Akkadian

The connection of the Albanian language with Sumerian/Akkadian. Akkadian is a fascinating language—the earliest language that linguists mistakenly label Semitic—that has remained unspoken for 2,000 years. Only in the last 200 years have researchers been able to decipher the ancient language thanks to inscriptions on stone and clay tablets. In 2011, the University of Chicago finally published its epic dictionary in its entirety. I was very impressed by one of the first words in the dictionary, the word ABALU, which means to bring, to transport, to carry, to carry the unborn child, said for a pregnant woman, etc. Abalu made me think of the Albanian words 'ba'/do, 'lu'/move, 'bie'/fall, 'grua me barre/burdened woman', m'bart/keep, hold etc. In that word-concept there are three embryonic forms of the Albanian language and they originate from the Albanian language itself. By dividing ABALU into syllables, we have A BA LU, a (is), 'ba'(do, make)...

The connection between the Albanian language and Sumerian/Akkadian

Lidhja e gjuhës shqipe me sumerishten/akadishten. Akadishtja është një gjuhë magjepsëse—gjuha më e hershme që gjuhetarët e cilësojnë gabimisht semite—që ka mbetur e pashprehur për 2000 vjet. Vetëm në 200 vitet e fundit studiuesit kanë qenë në gjendje të deshifrojnë gjuhën e lashtë falë mbishkrimeve në pllaka guri dhe balte. Në vitin 2011, Universiteti i Çikagos më në fund botoi fjalorin e tij epik në tërësinë e tij. Më bëri shumë përshtypje një nga fjalët e para të fjalorit, fjala ABALU qe do të thotë të sjellësh, të transportosh, të mbartësh, të mbash fëmijën e palindur e thënë kjo per nje grua me barrë, etj. Abalu më bëri të mendoj për fjalët shqipe 'bie', 'grua me barrë', m'bart etj. Në atë fjalë-koncept janë tre embrioforma fillistare të gjuhës shqipe dhe origjinojnë prej vetë gjuhës shqipe. Me e nda në rrokje ABALU kemi A BA LU, kuptimi i tre fjalëve të dialektit Gege dhe del shumë qartë kuptimi i lëvizjes nga vëndi, dhe si pasojë dhe lëvizjen nga një vend në...

The ideology of the etymology of Vladimir Orel

Vladimir Orel wrote that the Albanian language borrowed the word bretkoc(e)/frog from Old (Ionic) Greek βρόταχος What is the linguistic evidence that proves borrowing from ancient Greek? What if the old Greek borrowed it from the Albanian language? Frog as a noun comes from the sound symbolism formed with the auxiliary verb bret + imitation of the sound of the frog *kwock. Bret+kwock is the origin of frog. There other words in Albanian language such as brret and brítm(ë) that are related to the production of sound by the human vocal organ. Thus BRET KWOCK BRETKOC It is simply the verb or brret/scream that proves the origin of the word from the Albanian language. While the origin of *kwock belongs to the frog. First of all, this name is half verbal and half onomatopoeic. We know that in the name Bretkose the onomatopoeia does not need an etymology, while the most interesting part of the word is the verb form Bret, which we also have as a *bërtet and *brítm/ë in the Albanian language....