Hybrid originates simply from the word for number two of the Albanian language and the word bere/made.
Hybrid=two bere/two made
D'HY BER=Two (is) made/ anything that is made from two things.
The number *dy/two with the rounded vowel Y exists only in the Albanian language compared to all other Indo-European languages.
As I wrote before, the Albanian numbers were I(i) for one, Y for two, etc.
This is evidenced by Geg with the vowel *i which means the number 1, and the number dy/two with the vowel Y. The modern Albanian words one and two mean "ne i/ on i", and "de Y=te Y/to Y".
The Albanian language is the only one that has preserved the original number two of the proto European language.
Perhaps all peoples of Indo-European languages could not pronounce the sound Y. Maybe their vocal chords had not reached the proper maturity to pronounce the Y vowel.
Hybrid is accepted of unknown origin.
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