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Showing posts from February, 2023

Does the word transform have a Latin origin?

Transformation is a common concept, which nevertheless deserves some observations. In fact, it has a special development, compared to the general change: transformation tells us about a change that is a change in the appearance of something or someone. The appearance and especially the face is something essential for the identity of a person, and the uniqueness of an object. The appearance of the face changes with age, but its inside does not change; or rather, remains the same despite the change in appearance. Likewise, time, experiences, change people, but all this is a continuity, not a break, not a separation, not a life stop, just a change of appearance.  ETYMOLOGY OF TRANSFORM  TRANSFORMA=  DRANSFORMA=where T>D  NDRAS FORMA= NDROSH FORMA= Where S>SH NDROSH PORMA=where F>P  NDROSH PARMA= NDROSH PARME=where O>A NDROSH PAMJE= Me ndrrue pamjen. Ndrosh means change. Párë means appearance Means change pár(e), changing the párë (par'me) appearanc...

The etymology of the word transform

A ka fjala transformoj etimologji latine?Transformimi është një koncept i zakonshëm, i cili megjithatë meriton disa vëzhgime. Në fakt ai ka një zhvillim te vecante, krahasuar me ndryshimin e përgjithshëm: transformimi na flet për një ndryshim që është një ndryshim në në pamjen e dickaje ose dikujt. Pamja dhe sidomos fytyra është diçka thelbësore për identitetin e një nje njeriu, dhe vecantia për një objekt. Mosha ndryshon pamjen, fytyrën e një njeriu, por brëndësia e tij nuk ndryshon; ose më mirë, mbetet e njëjtë pavarësisht ndryshimit të pamjes. Po ashtu koha, përvojat, i ndryshojnë njerëzit por e gjithë kjo është një vazhdimësi, jo ndërprerje, jo ndarje, jo ndalesë jetësore, vetëm një ndryshim i pamjes. ETIMOLOGJIA E TRANSFORM TRANSFORMA= DRANSFORMA=ku T>D NDRASFORMA=levizje e N NDRAS FORMA= NDROS PORMA=ku F>P NDROSH PARMA=ku O>A NDROSH PARME= NDROSH PAR ME NDROSH PAMJE= Ndrosh te pár(ë)-me. Me ndryshue pamje (par'me) është transform, ndryshon ajo që shikohet tek një per...

The etimology of the word hybrid.

Hybrid originates simply from the word for number two of the Albanian language and the word bere/made.  Hybrid=two bere/two made HYBRID=  HY BRI-D=  HY BIR=  HY BER=  D'HY BER=Two (is) made/ anything that is made from two things. The number *dy/two with the rounded vowel Y exists only in the Albanian language compared to all other Indo-European languages. As I wrote before, the Albanian numbers were I(i) for one, Y for two, etc.  This is evidenced by Geg with the vowel *i which means the number 1, and the number dy/two with the vowel Y. The modern Albanian words one and two mean "ne i/ on i", and "de Y=te Y/to Y".  The Albanian language is the only one that has preserved the original number two of the proto  European language.  Perhaps all peoples of Indo-European languages ​​could not pronounce the sound Y. Maybe their vocal chords had not reached the proper maturity to pronounce the Y vowel.  Hybrid is accepted of unknown origin. ...

The etymology of the word empiric and experience

empiric (adj.) "pertaining to or derived from experience or experiments," c. 1600, from Latin empiricus (n.) "a physician guided by experience," from Greek empeirikos "experienced," from empeiria "experience; mere experience or practice without knowledge," especially in medicine, from empeiros "experienced (in a thing), proven by use," from assimilated form of en "in" (see en- (2)) + peira "trial, experiment But what is the etymology of "peria"? Both the albanian word pervoje/experience and the greek word empeiria come from the Albanian verb and adjectiv *bere which means done, made. When you have done something, you have experience. PERIA=  BERIA= where P>B  BERIA= BER-IA=Bere/done, made is the root of the word PERVOJ/Experience PER VOI= BER V-OI= bere/done, made is the root of the word.  EXPERIENCE= EX PER IENCE= EKS PER IENCE= EKS BER IENCE=bere/done, made is the root of the word.  This is the magnificent...

Origjina e përziej, trazoj, prashis, zar, zjarr, ziej.

Origjina e përziej, trazoj, zar, zjarr, ziej.  Folja e gjuhës shqipe trazoj çuditërisht, ka kuptimin e parë të saj "përziej".  Cili është ndryshimi midis përziej dhe trazoj?  A është përziej kur vendos së bashku në një kusi, ne një vënd dy përbërës të ndyshëm si ujë dhe lakër për shëmbull, ndërsa kur e rrotulloj lëngun gjatë zierjes është trazoj?  Zëmra semantike e dy foljeve mesa duket vjen nga dy burime të ndryshme. Përziej është kur vendos dy përberës të ndryshme bashkë për ti zier, zënë bashkë, ngjizur, mbledhur bashkë ndërsa trazoj kur i lëviz nga pozicioni i tyre fillistar, i rotullon përbërësit per të ndihmuar zierjen e tyre, ngjizjen, bërjen e tyre në një të gjë vetme, duke përdorur duart, një lugë a me ndonjë mjet tjetër.  Përziej është kur bashkon dy dhe me shumë përbërës bashkë në një vend, hedh një lëng në një lëng për ta tretur, për ta bërë një lëng të vetëm, por trazoj është gjithashtu kur diçka kthehet nga ana tjetër, rotullohet ku nuk ka shumë rë...

Why the etymology is wrong?

Language is created completely differently from what modern linguists think today. A simple example from Latin. The word for sun was *Solem. From the codes of the Albanian language, it means that it is an object "O that moves" O-shape of the sun L-code of movement. Why does the Albanian language discoveries this origin of the word? The Albanian language has many other words that use the O code according to the form of the object such as kok/head, goj/mouth, gjoks/chest, bole/testicle, koqe/testicle, etc. And the Albanian word for move is *leviz which simply means *le ve/put L. So only the L letter means move.

The proto-Albanian language and the ancient greek

The proto-Albanian language gave rise to the first spoken and later the first written language. It was the first European language. Other languages ​​are her daughters, granddaughters and great-granddaughters. *Og was their word for "big i, and G carried the semantic meaning of the word. Vog is the opposite negative of Og and means small. *Og became mega, grande, big in the languages ​​derived from it. But all the words of the languages ​​of the descendants carry the embryos of Albanian language Mega simply means "me g/with g" and is a 2000-year-old Albanian word. The ancient Greek is the proto-Albanian language. The continuation of ancient Greek in modern Albanian is evidenced by today's Albanian words, which all came with phonetic transformations. If the word *mega for two thousand years of time distance would be the same word as *mega in a modern language that means something is very wrong with that language, unscientific, or a fraud has been made in the modern di...


ETYMOLOGY OF THE ANCIENT GREEK WORD NIKI [Νίκη]  The head-to-head match between two rams is a pattern of behavior everywhere, and for people, in most cases, it is associated with victory and defeat. In the everyday life of primitive man, coming out on top was a common theme in relation to victory and defeat: for example, an individual who won a physical match in primitive times involving punches and kicks could be said to have beaten someone else, of two people involved in a physical match, one of them always won.  And one of them the animal or the man ends up being killed, or lying on the battlefield unable to stand, or running if he still can and the winner doesn't follow. The subject can be a ram against another ram of the same species, a wolf against a deer, an eagle against a rabbit or a human being against another human being, the quality of the winners does not matter, what was important for the proto-Albanians was the amount of winners for the semantic construction of ...

House of the Evil Eye.

The evil eye is the name of this mosaic. It is written in Albanian language. KA I SY=(GEG) KA=there is I=one Sy=eye Meaning: THERE IS ONE EYE There is one eye that is pierced by a trident and sword, struck by a raven, barked by a dog, and attacked by a scorpion, cat, and a snake. A horned dwarf with a giant phallus crosses two wands. And lies as usual from ideological linguists that wrote: It is Greek writing "KAI SU" meaning "and you (too)". What "and you" has to do with this mosaic? Roman mosaic from Antioch, House of the Evil Eye. Hatay Archaeological Museum, Antakya, Inv.-No. 1024

Cynisca /sɪˈnɪskə/ or Kyniska [Κυνίσκα(Greek)]

Cynisca /sɪˈnɪskə/ or Kyniska [Κυνίσκα(Greek)] It is written in our modern books that: "Κυνίσκα; born about 442 BC) was a wealthy Spartan princess. She is famous for being the first woman to win at the Olympics, competing in the sport of chariot racing. Cynisca first entered the Olympic Games in 396 BC, where she won first prize competing with a team of horses she had trained herself. In 392 BC, Cynisca entered the Olympic Games with her horses for the second time and won another victory in the same competition." These kinds of fairy tales-mythologies come to our days from the books of the Byzantine church of Istanbul or from the writings given by the Arabs about the ancient "Greek" history, which are completely unreliable sources for me, of zero value for the history of antiquity, but I think that those writings have a great value for the Albanian language. About the etymology of this word, philo-Greek ideological linguists say that "Cynisca means "female...

The origin of the word family

Nëse e keni pyetur ndonjëherë veten se cila është baza e emrit familje, ky artikull mund t'ju ndihmojë. Në këtë artikull, unë do t'ju prezantoj me disa terma kyç te gjuhës Shqipe , gjuhes Angleze dhe gjuhes Hebraike. Por para se të fillojmë, le të shohim se si të themi "familje" në hebraisht. Hebraishtja i përket familjes semite të gjuhëve dhe thonë, pranuar si një e vertetë shkencore. që nuk nuk ka lidhje gjuhe shqipe ose me anglishten. A është shkencor përfundimi i gjuhëtareve modern? Fjala për "familje" në hebraisht është *bt ose *baht e cila ka ne rrenje te saj foljen *bah/bahet e Geg te gjuhes Shqipe e cila eshte gjithashtu baza e fjales anglisht birth (shpjegohet me poshte lidhja me hollesi). A kane lidhje folja *bëj dhe pjesorja e saj *bërë dhe format dialektore te tyre në gjuhën shqipe me ndonji folje te gjuhës hebraike që ka të njëjtën semantike? Folja krijoj në gjuhën hebraike Forma paskajore *bara Present tense / Participle בּוֹרֵא bore Une/ ju m....

The etymology of the Latin word palatine

Let's look at the way the Albanian language built words in ancient times.  The Italian term 'palazzo', extremely well-known in European languages, is a concept to indicate an important construction, and which has become famous all over the world, they say that it is the evolution of a very specific toponym. During the 1st century AD the Roman emperors, from Augustus to Domitian, erected their residences and buildings of power on the Palatine Hill - in Latin, Palatium. This colossal complex, the cerebral cortex of the Empire, was called the Domus Augustana, but it soon became common to refer to it only by the name 'palatium': in short, 'palace' arose from the palace of imperial Rome, thought to be a metonym of the hill in which it stood.   So *palazzo, comes from Latin palātium ("palace, large residence") which comes from Palātium ("Palatine"), one of the seven hills of Rome, where aristocrats built large houses.  But where does the Palati...

The origin of the word valley.

The valley is a lugínë/valley in Albanian language because of the letter U. The U is the pictogram of a valley. The G is because the two arms-hills-mountains meet each other, join each other in a U shape. Based on this code is build also the English word Valley, where the place of U has been taken by V. The proto-Albanian-speaking English people thought of the valley as steeper, not with a curved shape at the bottom. Were these two languages ​​written before ancient Greek and Latin? A valley is an elongated low area running between hills or mountains, which usually contains a river or stream flowing from one end to the other. Most valleys are formed by erosion of the land surface by rivers or streams over a very long period. Some valleys are formed by erosion from glacial ice. Albanian dictionary: lugín/ë,-a feminine noun; plural; -a(s) 1. place like a trough between mountains or hills, through which a river usually passes; mountain valley: Devolli (Drin) valley. 2. long pit with not...

The etymology of Pundit

Fjala e anglishtes *Pundit Pundit ekspert (n.) 1670, "i mësuar hindu", veçanërisht një i aftë për dije, shkencë, ligj ose fe sanskrite, nga hindishtja payndit "një njeri i ditur, mjeshtër, mësues", nga sanskritishtja payndita "një njeri i ditur, dijetar", Gjuhetaret thone qe eshte një fjalë me origjinë e pasigurt. Etimologjia PUNDIT= PUN DIT= PUN DI -T= Pra një njeri që “e di punën”. *Punë e kombinuar me konceptin *di, dituri. Thjesht kuptohet që ai që di ta bëjë punën është ekspert. A di ai si ta bëjë atë punë? Shqipja e ka fshehur semantikën e fjalëve në shprehjet e saj, në strukturën e saj të të menduarit.