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The origin of the word Genesis

 *Genesis is a "Greek" word meaning creation, but the "Greek" and the "Latin" that borrowed the word from the "Greeks" cannot explain why it means creation. It means creation because when the albanian word *Gen/thing is *e ze/made it means it is created. "Gen e ze" is "Genesis" where the "Greeks" threw a little "is" pepper on top of the thick meat of the Albanian language and called it "Greek". Then this "Genesis" became gente, ingenuus, ingenua, gignere, genitus, genital, generare, generate, generatus, genus, generis, generate, generation. Only from two Albanian words "Gen e ze".

The enigma of the latin word pulcher/ beautiful

The enigma of the word pulcher/ beautiful  Latin had no native aspirated /k/ (represented by <ch>) and is usually only found in words borrowed from "Greek" the linguists of the written languages say. However, no parallel Greek word for "pulcher" is found in the "Greek" and "Hellenic" languages. And then the linguists of the written language ask: Is this perhaps a loanword from Etruscan gluha?  The question is asked by linguists when so far they have not even analyzed a single sentence of the Etruscan language. When it comes to deciphering stone writings, linguists of paper languages ​​are stuck. If you read their "breakdowns", even in the Latin language in stone 70% of the words of their breakdowns are names of people with 4-5 syllables with the most surprising combinations of their letters.  Is this word a loan from the Albanian language?  PULCHER also has not come down to the modern era in any Romance languages. These languages ...

New linguistics: The origin of the Sanskrit word Veda

 Veda comes from the Sanskrit word 'Vid, which means "know in Sanskrit and has the same forme e meaning with Albanian language word *di/know. That's the end of the word's etymology. No other European language has the words *di and *vetedije/consciousness.  Who does not accept this etymology simply because  they you don't want Albanian to show the origin of the word. There are a lot of Europiane language words similiar or even identical with *Veda like voda, vita, vedere, but those words cannot be cognates with Veda although they have similar or identical forms, because they have different meanings from *Vid.  The rules of etymology are two: 1) Two words should match their forms (letters) 2) Two words  should match the content, the meaning In this case, only the Albanian words *di/know and *vetedi fulfills the two conditions

The origin of the Albanian language words *grua/ woman and *burre(man).

The origin of the Albanian language words *grua/ woman and *burre/man. The words *grua/woman and burre/man  were written for the first time in Arnold Ritter von Harff's dictionary in 1496 like: Groëa-Woman.  Geneyre-Man Today the words have these forms: Grua/woman and burre/man. The creation of these words is related to the logogram and ideogram concepts of the Danube Script G, R and O. *Grua>groa>g'ro'a.  The Albania codex are "G rotates O"  Briefly:  The *groa codex are:  1)-  G-ideogram. An human entity as G which is the logogram of two O's joined together,  2) R-ideogram. It has the meaning "rotation" (codex).  3) O-ideogram. It has the meaning "completed thing" (codex ) Woman is "G rotates O", the concept of human reproduction and multiplication.  /From G comes O. The woman is a G logogram. The Albanian language codex are beyond any imagination of today's linguistic science. Words related to this language knowledge:...

How the Albanian word dive is created.

Fjala kridhem është shembull i qarte i shkrirjes së një emri me një folje për të formuar nji fjale të re. Kushtojini vëmendje dhe lexoni këtë shpjegim të krijimit të fjalës, që nuk ekziston në librat e sotëm të gjuhëve europiane.  Le të supozojmë se nuk kemi ende një fjalë për *kridhem. Kur *kridheni pjesa e trupit që do të prekë fillimisht ujin është krey i trupit tend, kryet.  Emri është *krye në shqip.  Ekziston edhe një lëvizje-veprim që duhet të jetë në krijimin e fjalës së re. Ekziston folja *hedh, e cila në formë aktive-vepruese mbi nje objekt,(une) hedh një objekt që është *hedh/ "hedh gurin", dhe në formën pasive-vetevepruese kur hedh veten "hidhem".  Kur hidheni në ujë me orientimin e trupit nga kryet fillimisht kombinimi i fjales do të jetë *krye+ *hidhem. Shqiptarët e sotëm përdorim të dy konceptet "hidhem me koke/kry" ose *kridhem. Nuk duhet të mendoni gjate te gjeni etimogjinë e fjalës kridhem. Është aty në konceptin *hidhem me kry/koke.  Kës...

New linguistics: The ancient Greek word Kyon

The ancient Greek word Kyon/dog comes from the Albanian word *shklyej which has the root *klyej. "Klyen" is the origin of Kyon. The meaning of the word shklyen/shklien (Geg and Tzam dialect) is: 1. pull or rip (something) apart or to pieces with force. Dogs don’t chew their foods like humans. Dogs tear off portions of their food. Dogs eat meat with the rip and tear mechanic. Tha's a quality of carnivores on which the ancient people are based to name the dogs. The Albanian language had another word *kelysh/puppy, which proves the origin of the ancient greek word, where kelysh is a small *klyen, placing the former diminutive ish, just like lepur/rabbit with lepurush/baby rabbit. Another Albanian  word conected with this meaning  *krrej/take missing in the Albanian dictionary, surprisingly many main code words are missing in the Albanian dictionary, which comes from the same root meaning.

New etymology: Hound etymology

Hound  / ˈ haʊnd/ noun plural   hounds 1  :   a dog especially   :   a type of dog that has a very good sense of smell and is trained to hunt The English dictionary definition of the word Hound is: A dog with a good sense of smell, used to hunt wild animals. Probably the oldest Indo-European pet name. In more recent times, the word *hound has been replaced by dog, but the sense remains the same. The Albanian word *hund/nose is the origin of Hound. The hounds have a very, very good nose in the sense of smell. It is the nose the organ of the smell that defined their name and this etymology does not need more explanations. Other etymologies are phonetic and etymological concoctions, such as H becoming K and D becoming T, approximating *kount to Greek *kyon and PIE *keu for shiny, starting from the color of the dog's skin.