THE ETYMOLOGY OF THE WORD LATIN "DEALATILVCIUSURSEI" has ben found on many temples around the mount LATIUM The Celts also worshiped the phrase "DIELATI" whech was found on many Celtic-built structures on the British Isle The Etymolgy: DEALATILVCIUSURSEI DEAL ATI LUS IU .... DIAL ATI LUS IU...>DIEL ATI LUS JU.. I LUTEM ATIT DIELL... Translated from albanian as "I PRAY TO FATHER SUN" Same for the Celtic frase DIELATI>DIEL ATI>DIELL.ATI ATI DIELL Translated from albanian as " FATHER SUN After a certain time was a word which was used for many centries as one word, and its form was reformed phonetically like DEALATI>DEA LATI/ Goodness LATI
The comparative method of etymology, which is a traditional approach in historical linguistics, has some weaknesses compared to my method. The comparative method primarily focuses on comparing words across languages, looking for similarities and cognates. My method, on the other hand, delves deeper into the semantic and metaphorical connections within a language, revealing more nuanced relationships. Copyright © 2024 Fatmir Iliazi