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New etymology: The origin of the word Latin

 THE ETYMOLOGY OF THE WORD LATIN "DEALATILVCIUSURSEI" has ben found on many temples around the mount LATIUM The Celts also worshiped the phrase "DIELATI" whech was found on many Celtic-built structures on the British Isle The Etymolgy: DEALATILVCIUSURSEI DEAL ATI LUS IU .... DIAL ATI LUS IU...>DIEL ATI LUS JU.. I LUTEM ATIT DIELL... Translated from albanian as "I PRAY TO FATHER SUN" Same for the Celtic frase DIELATI>DIEL ATI>DIELL.ATI ATI DIELL Translated from albanian as " FATHER SUN After a certain time was a word which was used for many centries as one word, and its form was reformed phonetically like DEALATI>DEA LATI/ Goodness LATI


ALBANIAN CODEX  *A the code of the first.  *AD is also a code, where A is first and D gives the direction of A, but there is no multiplication.  It's mahkull/male >ma ski /ski m, ska m/ does not have *M . *AM, M is the code that indicates the multiplication of A, where A is the first.  '*AD> turns into *AT in Albanian  *AM remains AM in Albanian . The two components of human reproduction, but the mother carries the reproduction, the codex M. The Father gives the  direction, first step, does the beginning, iits departure, but does not make the physical multiplication as a human unit.  Female>be me-r. Be m. Ben M-ne./make M The Bible is built on the basis of this: AD>AT> ATI/father in Albanian  AM >AM> AMA/mother in Albanian. The two components of human reproduction, but the mother carries the physical reproduction as a human entity.  The father starts the process, its beginning.  The M codex is in *molto, *multi, *m(ë...

The new Etymology: the origin of the ancient greek word Rethymno and albanian word Durres

There are many theories about the etymology of the name of Albanian city of Durrës. Most of the etymolgies about the name of the city and its origin are based on some sources that are not reliable from the etymological point of view. The city of Durrës is related to the people we call Albanians today, and only their language is the source of that name, only the Albanian language. Etymology: Durresi   Durresi>durresi>durresi>durrezi>du rethi> tu rethi  *Tu rethi is the etymology of the word Durrës. *TE/to (tu) is in use the modern Albanian.  The proto-albanians said we sail to *rethi/tu rethi, Durres. The etymology of the word *Durres comes from the proto-Albanian word *reth in the form *tu reth, where *tu is the preposition that indicates the direction of movement, and *reth the shape of the bay of Durres. Even today, in Kosovo, many elders use TU instead of TE, same as English word *to, for example "tu rethi" same as their ancestors. Why am I ri...

New linguistics: Albanian codex.

ALBANIAN CODEX Në fjalet *shumë, *soma kodi është në *m. Ka qene *Zo m>zom>shom>shum. Soma>zoma>zo m-a (a mbarese shquese) Zom>som>som(a mbarese shquese e mevonshme) *A eshte kodi i  pari, e para.   AD eshte gjithashtu kod, ku A eshte i pari, e para dhe D jep drejtimin e A, por nuk ka shumëzim. Eshte mashkull>ma ski/i/ski m, ska m. AM, M eshte kodi qe tregon shumëzimin e A, ku A eshte e para/i pari. AD> kthehet ne AT në shqip AM mbetet AM ne Shqip Dy komponentët e shumëzimit njerëzor, por nëna mbart shumëzimin, M-ne. Ati bën drejtimin e tij, bën fillimin, nisjen e tij por jo shumezimin fizik si njesi njerezore. Femer>be me-r. Be m. Ben M-ne. Bibla është ndërtuar mbi bazën e kësaj, por  AD>AT në shqip AM mbetet Am Dy komponentët e shumëzimit njerëzor, por nëna mbart shumëzimin fizik si njesi njerzore, M-ne. Ati bën drejtimin e tij, bën fillimin. Është në *molto kodi, *multi, *më në Shqip, është në *more, *many, *much në Anglisht, *meh...

New etymology: The true origin of the word etymology

Origjina e së vërtetës së fjalës etimologji; Prej gjuhes Shqipe: 1) - At+Am=ET+ym. At+Am= Eterit në shqipen moderne Etym e grek. antike vjen nga *Eter e Shqipes 2) - lo> ma lon>le ne Shqipen moderne 3) - gy>origjina. *gji ne Shqipen moderne Thonë edhe se është nga logo/fjale por edhe logo vjen nga fjala shqipe gola (Cam) /goje (geg) si anagram: gola>golo>logo

New Etymology: The true origin of the word Unanim(ous)

Nuk do të humbas kohë me formula etimologjike dhe fonetike të fjalëve. Unë do të jap vetëm përfundimet. Fjalët janë të hapura, plotësisht të zbuluara që vijnë nga gjuha shqipe Etimologjia. Unanim(ous) Nga latinishtja e vonë ūnanimitās. Anglishtja e vjetër eshte ānmōdnes Nga gjuha Shqipe: 1) - ūnanimitās> una nji me ty asht. 2) - ānmōdnes> namodne>na monde>na mondie>na mendie>ne mendie>nie mendie>një mëndje

Alexander the Great was not Greek

"Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes true."Among psychologists something like this is known as the "illusion of truth" effect.   Here's how a typical experiment on the effect works. It is accepted as truth by serious researchers that "Alexander the Great was Macedonian, he was not Greek". This is the truth, but sometimes they see a parallel version that is not true, something like "Alexander the great was Greek".   For some time, 150 years for example, people have been bombarded with the propaganda "Alexander was Greek" by the Greek government, Greek national-fascist and pro-Greek historians, as well as certain groups of people who benefit from this untruth, such as the acquisition and ownership of territories not Greek like Macedonia and Epirus, historically Albanian lands for thousands of years. And most modern Greeks and some non-students of history today think that Alexander was Greek. And some fraud-scholars of history con...