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How to identify the oldest language.

*dies Solis in Latin means day of the sun. While the name dit/day of the Albanian language, according to Vladimir Orel, comes from the Proto-Albanian *dīti, which comes from the Proto-Indo-European *díHtis. The Albanian word *dit/day is related to the English word *tide which comes from Old English tīd ("time"), from Proto-Germanic *tīdiz ("time"), from Proto-Indo-European *déh₂itis ("time"), from Proto - Indo-European *deh₂y- ("to divide"). While *deis and *day of the Latin and English-German languages are different forms compare with their words for *sun, respectively Solis, Sun-Sonne, while the Albanian language word *dit /day has the form very close to the word *diell/sun. We are dealing with the primitive concepts of light, day, time and the division of time and the all-round connection of these units of language with the cause of this phenomenon the sun. I think these units of the first Indo-European language were created based on multi-qua...

How should we program an AI program?

In artificial intelligence, researchers can trace the evolution of language by creating a set of symbols to serve as common markers of today's languages from a first language created based on symbols. Such a language can be developed starting from a natural human language such as the Albanian language.  In addition, a new "superlanguage" from the codes of the first language could be developed within an AI to translate between today's known languages. How should we program an AI program to discover the origins of human language and create the first natural coded language from it? From this question arose other questions such as: How should we understand the word and how should it be given to the AI program? How should we understand the alphabet and how should it be given to the program? How should we understand the archaeological discoveries related to the world's first writing and alphabet, their picto-ideogram symbols and how should they be given to the program? ...

The origin of the meanings to overpower, to catch and have.

Në fjalët më poshtë per rrënjët e PIE vijnë nga rrënjë e gjuhës shqipe *zo, za (me kap) dhe ka (kam). Shikoni numrin e rrokjeve të gjuhëve të mëposhtme dy dhe më shume se dy dhe ku kombinohen këto rrënjë të gjuhës shqipe me format të tjera ndihmëse po të gjuhës shqipe si at(atë), etj. Gjuhëtarët thjesht kanë ngatërruar dhe përzier kuptimet e foljeve arkaike të shqipes *zo/kap dhe *ka/kam . Ata ende janë shumë larg prej origjinës së vërtetë të PIE. Rrënja: *seǵʰ to overpower to take hold of Me kuptimet: 1) Mbizotëroj (from *ZO/close) 2) Kap (kap/to catch from KhA/to have) 3) Kam (from KhA/to have) Terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *seǵʰ-‎ (38 c, 0 e) *séǵʰ-e-ti (thematic root present)[1][6][5] Proto-Hellenic: *hékʰō (“to possess, retain, have”) (see there for further descendants) Proto-Indo-Iranian: *sáȷ́ʰatay Proto-Indo-Aryan: *sáźʰatay Sanskrit: सहते (sáhate, “to overpower, conquer”, (see there for further descendants) *séǵʰ-se-ti ((h₁)se-desiderative)[5] Proto...

Albanian language codes Bë, O and Dë.

Albanian language codes. When linguists will be able to understand this: Bë On Dë means division because: The Bë is the imperative mood of the Albanian language verb *bej (to make, to do), with *On the Albanian language accusative form of the noun O and *Dë as half of O, at that moment linguistics will go 1000 years forward in time. This is the pictographic language that 100% of linguists oppose today, but it is the truth of the Albanian language and the truth no one can avoid for a long time.

Fraudulent European etymologies

Fraudulent European etymologies say that the name Hektor comes from ἔχω (echo) of the ancient Greek According to them it comes from Proto-Hellenic *hékʰō, from Proto-Indo-European *séǵʰeti, from Proto-Indo-European *seǵʰ-. According to them, Mycenaean "Greek" was 𐀃𐀏 (o-ka) and 𐀁𐀐 (e-ke). Do you want to know the meaning of e-ko, eke and o-ka? *to have This form of this verb is exactly the same in the Albanian language. The present tense forms of the verb to have in the Albanian language are: kam/ I have ke/ You have ka/ She, he has kemi/We have keni/You have Kan(ë)/ They have You can clearly see the root of the verb are the forms *ka or *ke. So, e-ke, e-ka are simply  forms of the verb of the Albanian language to have. Is it possible that the Albanian language has not changed for 3500 years? Ventris and Chadwik had to invent Linear B as if it were a pre-Greek language for these Neo-Greeks to claim the connection and continuity of their language with the Mycenaean period, a...

Why is Agron Dalipaj right with his etymologies?

Why is Agron Dalipaj right with his etymologies? It does not take much preparation and language education, it is enough to know and respect the Albanian language to extract the essence of the origin of the word. Furious with anger, Achilles takes his revenge beyond the Dardanian and Trojan code of honor by dragging Hector's corpse from his chariot around the walls of Troy. The king, his wife, and the Trojans, unable to escape this shameful act, watched this breach of the honor code of treating the dead, this barbarism from the top of the walls of Troy. Consider only the part of the sentence written above by me "TERHEK.....dragging it.." Look carefully at the form of the verb TERHEK. It didn't take long for us to realize that HEKTOR is a TERHEK, the Gegnishte form of the word which means *pull in English  TERHEK HEKTER= HEKTOR HECTOR Just two simple passes. Where only O has changed in the change of simply O>A>E>. Is this a coincidence of form and thought of tw...

Pse Agron Dalipaj ka të drejtë me etimologjitë e tij?

Pse Agron Dalipaj ka të drejtë me etimologjitë e tij? Nuk do shumë përgatitje dhe edukim gjuhësor mjafton të dish dhe të respektosh gjuhës shqipe për të nxjerrë thelbin e origjinës së fjalës. I tërbuar nga zëmërimi Akili e çon hakmarrjen e tij përtej kodit të nderit të Dardanëve, Trojanëve duke e terhek zvarrë kufomën e Hektorit nga karroca e tij përreth mureve të Trojës. Mbreti, gruaja e tij, dhe trojanët në pamundësi për t'i shpëtuar këtij akti të turpshëm e shikonin këtë thyerje të kodit të nderit të trajtimit të të vdekurit, këtë barbarizëm nga maja e mureve të Trojës. Vlerësoni vetëm pjesën e fjalisë që shkruajtar më sipër nga unë ".....duke e terhek zvarrë.." Shikojeni me kujdes formën e foljes TERHEK. Nuk do shumë mënd ne e kuptu që HEKTOR është një rotullim I TERHEK, forma Gegnishte e fjalës. TERHEK= HEKTER= HEKTOR Vetëm dy kalime të thjeshta zbërthyese. Ku vetëm O ka ndryshuar në ndryshimin e thjesht O>A>E>. Është kjo një rastësi përputhje forme dhe men...