We know the number one is the first of numbers, but we do not understand why the number one is the first of numbers, or why it is in the beginning of numbers. We know the smallest natural number is 1, but we do not understand the why as well. The linguists’ habit of giving us definite conclusions has all kind of bad effects. The human language is being researched only from the point view of what we got so far, from the superficial side of language, not from that of its sources where thoughts came from. When the linguists' conclusions are accepted as a whole truth, not an accurate truth because there is eliminated the most important factor inside the language, it is compelled to build prejudices. Thus, when some linguists hold an opposite view, whose conclusions have the same importance as the accepted current conclusions, they are condemned to be heavily criticized, such as the Greenberg's mass comparison method, which is not accepted by the majority of linguists, to be m...
The comparative method of etymology, which is a traditional approach in historical linguistics, has some weaknesses compared to my method. The comparative method primarily focuses on comparing words across languages, looking for similarities and cognates. My method, on the other hand, delves deeper into the semantic and metaphorical connections within a language, revealing more nuanced relationships. Copyright © 2024 Fatmir Iliazi