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Showing posts from June, 2014

One Language

People must know that there is only a language under the skin. Every language is strange because it is unlike almost every other language. Neither Germanic nor Romance nor Slavic, nor Albanian, nor Greek, or nor Arabic, but they are substantially the same. The road to World unity is a long road. People need to be able to talk to one another only in a language, Today, everyone speaks his own language, but it is only a matter of time when they will speak only one language. The world needs a common language more than ever, and it is going to be just one language. People are divided, feel different, feel superior, discriminate and are killing each other because they speak different languages.

Learn Italian. Lesson 2. Nouns Gender, Definite Article and Breakfast

I.                     Dialoghi formali S1: Buongirono. Sono Mario Rossi. Lei è Giulia Tardelli. S1: Good morning. I’am Mario Rossi. She is Giulia Tardelli. S2: Buon giorno signora Tardeli. Lei come sta? S2: Good morning, Mrs. Tardelli. How are you? S3: Io sto bene. S3: I am fine. III.Words-Vocabolari Mattina Pomeriggio Sera Notte Quest a è la mattina                This is the morning Quest o è il pomeriggio            This is the afternoon Quest a è la sera                      This is the evening Quest a è la notte     ...