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Showing posts from June, 2012

Renew, rebirth and resurrection. I and Z.

The whole of linguistics is pseudoscientific because it ignores semantics. For example, we can observe a very strange phenomenon. I'am going to make a simple list with words that I think their semantics are related. The list is: renew rebirth resurrection Etymologies: rebirth (n.)   1833, from  re-  +  birth  (n.). birth (n.)   early 13c., from a Scandinavian source, cf. O.N.  *byrðr  (replacing cognate O.E.  gebyrd  "birth, descent, race; offspring; nature; fate"), from P.Gmc.  *gaburthis  (cf. O.Fris.  berd , O.S.  giburd , Du.  geboorte , O.H.G.  giburt , Ger.  geburt , Goth.  gabaurþs ), from PIE *bhrto  pp. of root  *bher-  (1) "to carry; to bear children" (cf. Skt.  bhrtih  "a bringing, maintenance," L.  fors , gen.  fortis  "chance;" see bear  (v.)). Suffix  -th  is for "process" (as in...