Language is the philosophy itself, philosophy starts from the question, philosophy from the Albanian language words *fillo/start and *pys/asking, asking a question is about an unknown, after answering the question you find out about the unknown, if you find out the unknown you are obtaining the knowledge, but not the Sophia word of what politicized linguistic say, although SOFIA according to Robert Beekes is of unknown etymology.
How the linguists should look up the origin of the word and consenquently the origin of language?
First, I think simply asking about it.
Why is the DIELL/sun called DIELL?
Why is DIT/DAY called ditë?
How the linguists should look up the origin of the word and consenquently the origin of language?
First, I think simply asking about it.
Why is the DIELL/sun called DIELL?
Why is DIT/DAY called ditë?
Why is DRIT/LIGHT called dritë?
Why is DIJE/KNOWLEDGE called dije?
Why is DREJT/STRAIGHT called drejtë?
Why is the LINDJE/EASTof horizontet called lindje?
Why is the PERENDIM/WEST called the perëndim?
Why is AR/GOLD called ar?
Why is the color VERDH/YELLOW called verdhe?
Why is ZJARR/FIRE called zjarr?
Why is ETHE/FEVER called ethe?
Why KANDIL/CANDLE is called Kandil?
Are the words sun, day, light, knowledge, east, west, fire, gold, yellow, fever, light, day and candle related?
I think they are.
And from here should start the elementary thought of the human mind untouched by ideologies, policies and linguistic nationalist propaganda.
How many dimensions of meaning does a single word, the word "diell/sun" of the Albanian language may give?
Why does the word sun may produce many dimensions-meanings-words?
Because the sun gives light, it has a definite circular shape, it has color, it warms, it moves in the sky, the movement of the sun is a rotating movement, the rotating movement of the sun is movement always in a certain direction, the arrival of the sun brings sunrise, dawn, light , day, warmth, etc.
The sun leaves the sky and enters again after a certain time. The sun always rises in a certain direction, and always sets in a certain opposite direction.
Only one thing is missing from the sun, sound, because the question must also be asked what is missing from the sun in this multidimensional mathematical-semantic matrix.
I call these the 8 dimensions of speech, of language, where the sun has 7, it lacks one dimension, the dimension of sound.
After answering these questions you will find the origin of the words and the language that created the word.
Someone mistakenly wrote that a word does not create a word, and some peoplr repeat it without thinking deeply about its meaning. Why is that thought wrong?
I think they are.
And from here should start the elementary thought of the human mind untouched by ideologies, policies and linguistic nationalist propaganda.
How many dimensions of meaning does a single word, the word "diell/sun" of the Albanian language may give?
Why does the word sun may produce many dimensions-meanings-words?
Because the sun gives light, it has a definite circular shape, it has color, it warms, it moves in the sky, the movement of the sun is a rotating movement, the rotating movement of the sun is movement always in a certain direction, the arrival of the sun brings sunrise, dawn, light , day, warmth, etc.
The sun leaves the sky and enters again after a certain time. The sun always rises in a certain direction, and always sets in a certain opposite direction.
Only one thing is missing from the sun, sound, because the question must also be asked what is missing from the sun in this multidimensional mathematical-semantic matrix.
I call these the 8 dimensions of speech, of language, where the sun has 7, it lacks one dimension, the dimension of sound.
After answering these questions you will find the origin of the words and the language that created the word.
Someone mistakenly wrote that a word does not create a word, and some peoplr repeat it without thinking deeply about its meaning. Why is that thought wrong?
My simple answer is that the word is not just a word. Behind it are hidden thousands of years of development of the human mind and language, thousands of observations of the human eye, thousands of thoughts of the human brain, thousands of hearings of the human ear, thousands of sniffs of the single nose, thousands of touches of the human hand. Language was not created by an idiotic combination of sounds and words, and the study of language should not exclude the connection of the word with the multidimensional qualities of the physical and abstract objects that the word represents.
This method may not be 100% perfect at first thought but I can tell you with absolute certainty that this method is much more scientifically accurate than today's primitive etymology.
Today's linguists look at language from a single dimension, and that dimension not properly.
The Albanian language is at the center of the meaning-giving dimensions of the new languages derived from it. The Albanian language is itself the PIE language.
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