Fraudulent European etymologies say that the name Hektor comes from ἔχω (echo) of the ancient Greek
According to them it comes from Proto-Hellenic *hékʰō, from Proto-Indo-European *séǵʰeti, from Proto-Indo-European *seǵʰ-.
According to them, Mycenaean "Greek" was 𐀃𐀏 (o-ka) and 𐀁𐀐 (e-ke).
According to them it comes from Proto-Hellenic *hékʰō, from Proto-Indo-European *séǵʰeti, from Proto-Indo-European *seǵʰ-.
According to them, Mycenaean "Greek" was 𐀃𐀏 (o-ka) and 𐀁𐀐 (e-ke).
Do you want to know the meaning of e-ko, eke and o-ka?
*to have
*to have
This form of this verb is exactly the same in the Albanian language. The present tense forms of the verb to have in the Albanian language are:
kam/ I have
ke/ You have
ka/ She, he has
kemi/We have
keni/You have
Kan(ë)/ They have
You can clearly see the root of the verb are the forms *ka or *ke.
So, e-ke, e-ka are simply forms of the verb of the Albanian language to have.
Is it possible that the Albanian language has not changed for 3500 years?
Ventris and Chadwik had to invent Linear B as if it were a pre-Greek language for these Neo-Greeks to claim the connection and continuity of their language with the Mycenaean period, all this is a linguistic distortion first and historical second.
Linear B in its symbols and ideophones correspond quite closely to the monosyllables of the Albanian language, even though 3650-3400 years have passed, while there is really little or no correspondence with the technical Greek language.
It is clear from the example given above, the comparison and analysis of those ideophones with the Albanian language, seeing what the linguists have decided about the PIE root, it is easy to come to the conclusion that the Albanian language was deliberately avoided, or the linguists did not want to compare it with the the Albanian language.
Is it possible that the Albanian language has not changed for 3500 years?
Ventris and Chadwik had to invent Linear B as if it were a pre-Greek language for these Neo-Greeks to claim the connection and continuity of their language with the Mycenaean period, all this is a linguistic distortion first and historical second.
Linear B in its symbols and ideophones correspond quite closely to the monosyllables of the Albanian language, even though 3650-3400 years have passed, while there is really little or no correspondence with the technical Greek language.
It is clear from the example given above, the comparison and analysis of those ideophones with the Albanian language, seeing what the linguists have decided about the PIE root, it is easy to come to the conclusion that the Albanian language was deliberately avoided, or the linguists did not want to compare it with the the Albanian language.
It seems unbelievable, but this is not the only case that during the etymological analysis of an archaic linguistic element, the Albanian language turns out to be almost the same as it was 3000-3500 years ago, of course not in all its elements, but in those elements Nostratic that reflect the archaic age of the word.
The verb *ka is a typical example of the age and insensible phonetic changes of the language since 3000 years or more, unlike any other IE language including ancient Greek which changed its skin several times until it took the structural modern form.
The deception and ignorance of the mother tongue of the European language has reached this far.
The deception and ignorance of the mother tongue of the European language has reached this far.
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