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Lidhja midis "greqishtes" së vjetër ὑψηλός (hypsilós, ypsilos, ispilos) që kupton la, lart(ë) dhe foljes shqipe "HIP" dhe emrin "IIL

Lidhja midis "greqishtes" së vjetër ὑψηλός (hypsilós, ypsilos, ispilos) që kupton la, lart(ë) dhe foljes shqipe "hip" (dialekt toskërisht) dhe "hyp" (shqipja standarde dhe dialekti gegë) ia vlen të hetohet Përsa i perket formës së tyre, dallohet qartë ngjashmëria midis fjalës shqipe YLL (shqipja standarde) dhe IL (dialekt toskërisht) me fjalen e "greqishtes" ὑψηλός. Eshtë e vështirë të thuhet me siguri nëse koncepti i ὑψηλός rrjedh nga konceptet shqipe, ka mundësi që të ketë pasur huazim apo ndikim gjuhësor midis gjuhëve të lashta, ose gjuha shqipe dhe greqishtja e lashtë kanë qenë e njëjta gjuhë, ose gjuha "greqishte e lashte" është nje gjuhë e re e ndërtuar nga priftërinjtë për qëllime fetare. A është e mundur që konceptet shqipe "hip"/"hyp" dhe Yll/IL të jenë huazuar ose ndikuar nga gjuha e lashtë "greke", ose anasjelltas? Nga një mbiemër i "greqishtes" të jenë huazuar dy njësi të veçanta gr

Embriomorfemat e gjuhës shqipe "am" , "at"

Embriomorfemat i referohen tingujve primitivë, elementë ose kombinimeve tingujsh që mbajnë kuptim dhe mendohet se janë blloqet ndërtuese të gjuhës. Ato shihen shpesh si format më të hershme të morfemave, të cilat janë njësitë më të vogla të gjuhës që mbajnë kuptim. Shembuj të embriomorfemave përfshijnë: - bashktingujt si "ma" ose "na" të cilat lidhen me nocionet "nënë" ose "nam (ushqim)", ose "na" (jep). - bashktingujt si "pa" ose "ba" të cilat lidhen me nocionet "babai" ose "banësi", ose "mbrojtesi" - bashkeingujt si "da" ose "ma" të cilat lidhen me nocionet e "ndarjes", "dhënies" ose "marrjes" Këto embriomorfema mund të kombinohen për të formuar morfema më komplekse, si shembujt "am" (nëna), "at" (babai), etj. Në rastin e "am" (nënës), është e mundur që ajo të ketë evoluar nga një embriomorfemë si "ma

The connection between "prēj" (cut) and "pjes(ë)" (piece), and the concepts "prej" (from) and "frikë" (fear)

I think that from "prēj" (cut) comes also the concept of "prej" (from), a cut from that thing, part of that thing. "Prej" in Albanian language means also from.  The connection between "prēj" (cut) and the concept of "prej"(from) makes perfect sense because it is comming from the metaphorical idea of "cutting" or "separating" from something. The main semantic of "prēj" (cut) is divide into pieces" and  the passive meaning of "prej" indicates the source or origin, from which it is being cut,  point in space/timd at which a journey, motion, or action originate. The Italian has used another separator of the Albanian language "da"(divide, separate) for the meaning "da" (from) The word "frikë" (fear) of Albanian language comes,also from "prēj" (cut) of Geg Albanian language (ph>p>f). The formal and semantic similarities between the two words show a comm

The origin of the words prey, peril, etc.

An analysis of the Geg Albanian verb "prej, prēj" (cut) and its possible connection as the word of origin of Latin and Greek roots. I think that the Geg Albanian verb "prēj" (to cut) originates from ancient times when ancient people fell "prey" to hungry animals, where the sharp teeth of animals "prej" (cut) human flesh. It is also not by chance that the noun "pre"(prey) and the verb "prej" have the same root formally and are semantically related to each other. This experience may have led to the development of the verb "prēj" (cut) and the noun "pre" (prey), "pref, pre, pré" (to sharp) of Geg Albanian which gave the origin of the verb "mpreh, preh" (to sharp) of the Albanian language standard, the noun "drapen", etc. The form "prē" is the same as English "prey" which linguists think originates from Latin "praeda" which the incomplete method of com

The root of αἰδώς (aidos)

Back to Beekes again. αἰδώς (aidos) /ai̯.dɔ̌ːs/ → /ɛˈðos/ → /eˈðos.(edos) The origin of Uncertain. Beekes mentions that the derivation from Proto-Indo-European *h₂eysd- (“to praise, to honor”), although the meaning, semantics is attractive, from the form it is very difficult to defend the similarity. The expected would be *αἰζώς which does not exist in Old "Greek". The meanings are a little contradictory. The word understands "shame and respect", "fear and honor" In terms of respect and honor, Albanian explains the word while "shame" undoubtedly has another root, which I think comes from "adi-" which comes from the meaning it will not appear, to appear in other people, "di" (know)-it comes from the *diell (sun), from appearance, while "adi" with negative "a" in front of "di" which comes from light, sun, appearance, visible, and "adi" means will not appear, to not appear, to not be seen w

Thoughts on the Albanian language and its potential influence on the development of the word "center".

The truth of the Albanian language. The word center is thought to be a loan from Latin. And where did it borrow Latin from? Center comes from: QENDER=(center) KENDER=Q>K KE NDËR=E>A It means "has the division" or "between" There is "ndër" (between) which comes from the verb "da" (divide). The center for those who formed language is related to the concept "ndër"(between) that originates from the concept "da" (divide) "Ndër" (between) of the Albanian language is mistakenly thought by linguists to be Proto-Albanian *enter, from Proto-Indo-European *h₁entér (“between”). "Ndēr" means between in, in the middle, there it is divided, where night turns into day, life into death, the sun rises, the sun sets. The division of time day-night, sunrise-sunset, and birth-death of life carries the peimordial symbolism of the center. The point of separation is also the point of change. Where the division is made is sim

The origin of DAGAZ.

A proof of the primordial codes of the Albanian language DA (separate), DIT (day), DIELL (sun), DRIT (light), DREJT (straight), VERT(D)ET (truly), LIND (give birth), VDES (die), QËNDËR (KA-NDËR) (center). "Dagaz" of the alphabet RUN comes from the verbs of the Albanian language DA (Geg Albanian) and KA (has), with the summary meaning KA - DA (has division, separation). Therefore DAGAZ it is a rune of division, change, for example, the emergence of light at the moment of sunrise. Archaeological evidence proves that "Dagaz" has been used as a symbol of Light for more than four thousand years. Dagaz carries also the linguistic symbol "mind" (me nda=to separate, to be directed) over this union-separation The cyclic division of time day-night, sunrise-sunset, birth-death of life carries the symbolism D" code. The point of separation is also the point of change. Where the division is made is simultaneously the center between the two extremes of light and da