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Albanian language codes.


Unveiling the Ancient Roots of the Letter "Kappa"

The Greek letter "kappa" (Κ) has been a cornerstone of the Greek alphabet for centuries, representing the sound "k" with precision. However, its origins stretch far beyond the realms of ancient Greece, delving into the fascinating world of Phoenician script and, more intriguingly, the Albanian verb "kap". The Phoenician Connection The letter "kappa" is widely acknowledged to have originated from the Phoenician letter "kaph", which is believed to symbolize an open hand. This Phoenician influence on the Greek alphabet is a testament to the cultural exchange and borrowing that occurred between ancient civilizations. The Phoenician alphabet, in turn, is thought to have been inspired by Egyptian hieroglyphs, demonstrating the complex and interconnected nature of ancient writing systems. The Albanian Verb "Kap": Uncovering the True Origin While the Phoenician connection provides a crucial link in the evolution of the letter "ka...

The Distortion of Knowledge: How Dominant Ideologies Shape Our Understanding of Albanian Language and History

The Pitfalls of Knowledge Production: How Dominant Ideologies Distort Reality. In the realm of academia, knowledge is often presented as an objective truth, untainted by personal biases or agendas. However, this notion is far from reality. When knowledge is influenced by dominant ideologies or power structures, it can lead to a distorted understanding of reality. This is particularly problematic in fields such as linguistics, archaeology, and history, where the interpretation of evidence and data can be shaped by prevailing narratives or agendas. The Albanian language and history have fallen victim to this phenomenon. Despite being one of the oldest languages in Europe, Albanian has been subjected to various interpretations and distortions, often driven by dominant ideologies or elite European power structures. The result is a flawed understanding of Albanian language, history, and culture. The term "illogically trained and educated scholars" refers to the fact that many Alba...

Folja hebraike *Bēreishit: Një eksplorim filologjik i rrënjëve të saj nga gjuha shqipe

Në Hebraisht kemi fjalën-folje *Bēreishit e cila mendoj vjen nga shqipja "berë isht (eshte bërë/krijuar)" Ndërsa lexojmë biblën hebraike, tregimet e Krijimit, Kopshti i Edenit dhe tragjedinë e Kainit dhe Abelit, (Ngahit dhe Abērit) futemi me thellë në që: Eshtë për t'u habitur që libri i Zanafillës hapet në një kompleksitet filologjik. Është derdhur shumë bojë në përpjekje për të kuptuar konstruktin e pazakontë gramatikor për gjuhën hebraike si "bēreisht bara Elohim". Këto fjalë zakonisht përkthehen si "Në fillim Zoti krijoi", por me shqipen perkthehet si "Elohimi bara bereisht" ku kemi nje dyzim te foljes "bëj" formes pjesore dhe mbiemërore të saj, dhe përkthyesit ideologjike kanë luftuar me shumë opsione të tjera duke u munduar ta perkthejne dhe njekohesisht to shtremberojne te vërteten gjuhësore të gjuhës nga vjen ky koncept dhe shkrim. Hebraiku Rashi e shpjegon problemin në mënyrë të përmbledhur: domethënë, se *bereishit është n...

The Hebrew verb *Bēreishit: A Philological Exploration of its Albanian Roots

The Hebrew verb *Bēreishit: A Philological Exploration of its Albanian Roots As we delve into the Hebrew Bible, particularly the Creation stories, the Garden of Eden, and the tragedy of Cain and Abel, we encounter a fascinating philological complexity. The book of Genesis opens with the enigmatic phrase "bēreisht bara Elohim," which has been translated as "In the beginning God created." However, a closer examination of the Hebrew text reveals a more intricate grammatical construct, one that has sparked intense debate and interpretation among scholars. At the heart of this complexity lies the verb *Bēreishit, which bears a striking resemblance to the Albanian phrase "bere isht" (was made/created). This similarity is more than coincidental, as it hints at a deeper linguistic and cultural connection between the Hebrew and Albanian languages. The Hebrew phrase "bēreisht bara Elohim" is typically translated as "In the beginning God created."...

The Albanian language leads to the truth.

The Albanian language shows how the word was created, what the essential meaning of monosyllabic syllables is, what they say inside them, and how new languages ​​are built on these primordial linguistic cells. The Albanian Language: A Gateway to Linguistic Research and  A Path to Linguistic Truth. The Albanian language stands as a testament to the power of linguistic. This ancient language, spoken by the Albanian people for millennia, holds within it the secrets of linguistic truth and the primordial building blocks of human communication. As we delve into the depths of the Albanian language, we uncover a rich tapestry of meaning, structure, and the language history that reveals the very essence of language itself. As the language was created, it has preserved within it the primordial sounds, structures, and meanings that underlie all human language. This linguistic truth, carried in the words and rhythms of the Albanian language, offers a profound insight into the nature of langua...

The Secret's Out: Albanian as the Mother Language of the Word 'Esoteric.

The term " esoteric " has long been associated with the realm of mysticism, spirituality, and secret knowledge. However, the etymology of this word has been shrouded in mystery, with many attributing its origins to ancient Greek. But what if the true roots of the word "esoteric" lie elsewhere? What if the Albanian language holds the key to unlocking the authentic etymology of this term? Breaking Down the Word: "E/i ke zo tera ": The Albanian phrase "E/i ke zo të tëra" is the proposed origin of the word "esoteric." This phrase can be translated to "you have owned all" or "you have mastered all." At first glance, this phrase may seem unrelated to the concept of esotericism. However, upon closer examination, the individual components of this phrase reveal a profound connection to the idea of embracing or grasping all knowledge. E ZO TER I KE : A Deeper Analysis Let's break down the phrase "I ke zo te tera"...