The English word "bite" originates from the Proto-Indo-European word *bʰeyd-, conveying the notion of "to split" or "to divide." This etymological root reveals a profound connection to the Albanian language. Breaking Down the Roots The word *bʰeyd- can be decomposed into two distinct Albanian roots: " Bʰe " This root is reminiscent of the Albanian verb "bej," meaning "to make" or "to do." In this context, "bej" serves as an auxiliary component, facilitating the creation of the word "bite." The verb "bej" carries a rich semantic significance, implying the act of bringing something into existence or shaping reality. "Yd" The second root, "yd," is closely tied to the symbolism of the letter "Y." This letter represents the union of two I's or the division of a single Y into two I's. This duality inherent in the letter "Y" reflects the fundament...
The comparative method of etymology, which is a traditional approach in historical linguistics, has some weaknesses compared to my method. The comparative method primarily focuses on comparing words across languages, looking for similarities and cognates. My method, on the other hand, delves deeper into the semantic and metaphorical connections within a language, revealing more nuanced relationships. Copyright © 2024 Fatmir Iliazi