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The Albanian Earth Mother

The "enigmatic" Female Figure of Pločnik, dating back to the Neolithic period (around 5000-4500 years BC), is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the Albanian people. Discovered at the archaeological site of Pločnik, near Prokuplja in southeastern Serbia, this ancient figurine offers a glimpse into the lives of the early Albanians.
The region of Pločnik has been inhabited by Albanians since ancient times. However, with the arrival of Slavic tribes in the 6th century, the Albanians were pushed further south, and the territory was conquered by the Serbs. Despite this, the archaeological findings at Pločnik reveal a thriving Albanian culture, characterized by advanced trade networks, crafts, art, and metallurgy.
The Female Figure of Pločnik is a remarkable example of early Albanian figurative art. The figurine features a distinctive flat, triangular face with an eagle-like nose and large eyes, complemented by braided hair. 
 Fatbardha Demi's research suggests that the eagle symbolism predates the cult of Zeus and may even have origins in the Atlantean period. The fact that the Vinća and Turdas culture figurines feature triangular heads with eagle-like features, including a ridged nose and large eyes, supports this theory.

According to Fatbardha Demi, an expert on pre-antiquity, the triangular head shape on Vinća and Turdas culture figurines symbolizes an eagle's head, featuring a ridged nose and large eyes. This eagle symbolism predates the cult of Zeus, which also used the eagle as its symbol. Interestingly, the eagle may have been a symbol in the Atlantean period, as evidenced by its presence in ancient Egyptian culture, where Thoth was depicted with an eagle's head, referred to as IBIS. This suggests a possible cultural exchange or influence between ancient civilizations
The figurine's pose, with her hands joined between the navel and genitalia, suggests a connection to fertility and the cycle of life. The gesture could be a prayer or a plea for children, symbolizing the desire for continuity and nourishment. In ancient cultures, fertility goddesses were often revered as powerful symbols of life, abundance, and rebirth.

The association with the genitalia as a symbol of life and birth is consistent with ancient beliefs. The figurine may be depicting a goddess begging God for children, reflecting the ancient belief that children were born from God. This interpretation adds a layer of depth to the figurine's significance, highlighting its potential role in spiritual or religious practices.

The similarities between the figurine's pose and ancient Albanian mythology, particularly the goddess Afërdita, are striking. Afërdita was revered as a symbol of fertility, love, and prosperity, further solidifying the connection between the Female Figure of Pločnik and ancient Albanian culture.
The depiction of a sexually fertile woman, with her hands placed on her belly, suggests a connection to fertility rituals and the celebration of life. The adorned neck and arms may represent phonetic symbols of the Albanian ancient language.
The discovery of the Female Figure of Pločnik, along with other archaeological findings at the site, challenges our current understanding of the Metal Age. The evidence suggests that the first Albanians may have begun working with metals much earlier than previously thought, around 5400-4700 BC. The site's three layers of settlements, with the oldest dating back to a depth of 3.5 meters, provide a unique insight into the lives of ancient Albanians.
The Female Figure of Pločnik is a powerful symbol of ancient Albanian culture, showcasing the advanced artistic, trade, and metallurgical skills of the time. As archaeologists continue to uncover the secrets of Pločnik, we may yet discover more about the lives of these enigma of Albanian people and their contributions to human history.

Copyright © 2024 Fatmir Iliazi


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