κίνηση of modern Greek language word means to move.
Kinisi is built from the Albanian language, when you *nis which means start, start do something in Albanian language, it means also semantically move.
Someone can rightly ask that *nis is not from the Albanian language but is a loan from the Latin *initia.
Why is the word *nis not a loanword from Latin?
Etymologists go to linguistic sea to a certain point and then drown with the last wave of questions that are asked.
They drown themselves because they do not want or are not allowed to continue swimming to their rescue point which is where the word "initi" comes from, which would ultimately solve the origin of the word. It must have an initial origin.
What is the origin of *init which also will the language that is origin of the word?
It is the Albanian word for number one, and exactly the number one of Geg Albanian which is only one *i in some very old Geg varieties. It can be found also as *ni and *nji.
So, init is "njiti" which means "first". The form is "i ni-ti"(first) where "t" plays the role of a suffix.
That's it, simply and without playing with the phonetic variations of the word. I also think that *injiti was the adverb (noun, and adjective) for first.
In the old Albanian the word for first must have been *initi.
We have in Albanian: nje/one and i pari/first, two/dy and i dyti/second, tri(e) and i treti/third.
It is clearly seen that the formative rule is broken in number one. If we follow the rule of the other forms dhe word for first will be constructed as i njiti/first.
Nji-i njiti
Dy-i dyti
Tri(e)-i treti
Kater-i katerti
It is not only the counting begins with one, but also the starting of the temporal and spatial movement of objects.
Nji-i njiti
Dy-i dyti
Tri(e)-i treti
Kater-i katerti
It is not only the counting begins with one, but also the starting of the temporal and spatial movement of objects.
Etymology of *NIS
NI Z=where s>z
Nji Z(e) which means "me zan nji" , "start to one" is the origin of the word. This is a mathematical language.
Conclusion: Latin borrowed the word from the Albanian language, the opposite of what Cabej, Topalli and their colleagues wrote.
Conclusion: Latin borrowed the word from the Albanian language, the opposite of what Cabej, Topalli and their colleagues wrote.
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