How words are contained in human minds in the beginning of language creation. I suppose the word for eye is the first word created by humans. Other word was not created. Was there a mental image for the real thing eye before the first word was created or a mental definition? It is the same question we ask today for the animals. Do animals have mental images of the actual thing of the world?
If we experiment now with ourselves saying “eye” what will happen in our mind? Do you see any eye image after you thought, or said the word “eye”? I did it, and no eye image passed in my mind, but I cannot conclude it was the same for the first word. I think, for the first word there was not created a mental definition in human brain. In the first word in the human mind the image of an eye, which existed before as it exists in animals was recorded in a brain cell in full awareness for the first time . That moment human brain broke the border of the animal brain taking awareness to the images it already had inside. That moment may be a little different in time from the moment of uttering a sound for that image, however, that is not more important. The door of the language was open.
If we experiment now with ourselves saying “eye” what will happen in our mind? Do you see any eye image after you thought, or said the word “eye”? I did it, and no eye image passed in my mind, but I cannot conclude it was the same for the first word. I think, for the first word there was not created a mental definition in human brain. In the first word in the human mind the image of an eye, which existed before as it exists in animals was recorded in a brain cell in full awareness for the first time . That moment human brain broke the border of the animal brain taking awareness to the images it already had inside. That moment may be a little different in time from the moment of uttering a sound for that image, however, that is not more important. The door of the language was open.
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