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Unveiling the Symbolism of Albanian Language Codes

The Albanian language possesses unique codes that reveal profound symbolism. Consider two examples: "molle" (apple) and "dardhe" (pear). Universal Truths Despite varying shapes and appearances from growth to decay, all apples share a common "O" shape. Plato would argue that this "O" shape represents the defining essence of an apple, distinguishing it from a pear. Philosophical Insights The apple embodies unity, symbolized by a single "O." Conversely, the pear represents duality, comprising two "O"s (Da-r-D'O-E). The attached "R" signifies the sun's circular motion, emphasizing the connection between "O" and "R" as pictograms. Plato's True Forms Plato would term these factors the "apple" of an apple, or its true form. The "O" shape remains constant, while physical apples change appearance during growth. This imperfection stems from their status as imitations of the t
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